
raid n.1.(騎兵隊等的)急襲,襲擊;突擊;(軍艦等的)游擊...


Few buildings survived the bombing raids intact 空襲過幸存的建筑物絕無僅有。

Wants to get out clean in case the raid goes south 她想安全的出來除非突襲開始

Japanese police raid north korea - linked groups 立法會促請日本立法賠償二戰受害人

Hitler and saur went into raptures over the dire psychological effects of an air raid upon the skyscraper canyons of new york . 希特勒和紹爾卻因轟炸紐約這個摩天大樓大峽谷將產生唬人的心里效果而欣喜若狂。

It was the best position from which to cover, from the south, any raid or attack against the important airfield at fhelepte . 它是掩蔽任何南來的攻擊或空襲西列浦特重要機場的最好地方。

They would pass through the japanese lines if ordered to do so, engage the enemy in the most dangerous raids . 倘使奉到命令,他們會穿過日軍防線,在最危險的襲擊中與敵人交戰。

Air raid shelters and similar installations are usually located in solid rock for obvious reasons . 空襲掩蔽所和其它類似的設備,出于顯而易見的理由,通常置于堅硬的巖石中。

The first was direct military operations, either by peripheral raids to distract the french army . 第一種形式是采取直接的軍事行動,或者進行騷擾以牽制法軍。

On november 15, the enemy switched back to london with a very heavy raid in full moon-light . 11月15日,敵人趁皓月當空,又回頭向倫敦進行一次猛烈的空襲。

Once during an air raid he marched his seventeen men into the grill of the manila hotel . 有一次空襲期間,他讓十七個他的人長驅直入“馬尼拉旅館”的餐廳。

I remember dining in a small company when very lively and continuous raids were going on . 我記得,在一次連續不斷的猛烈空襲中,我和幾個朋友正在吃晚飯。

In fact, no sooner were the new unions launched than the old craft unions began to raid them . 實際上,這些新工會一成立,老的行業工會就開始攻擊它們。

For journalists and radio commentators the raid had been a mighty shot in the arm . 對新聞記都和電臺的時事評論員來說,這次出擊倒是一大興奮劑。

In 1962, i had raided chrysler and brought over a dozen of their top engineers . 1962年,我就曾打進克萊斯勒公司,拉走他們十幾個最好的工程師。

The air raids were trivial; the guns were noisy, but one never heard a bomb . 空襲輕微,炮聲震耳,可是沒有聽到一顆炸彈的爆炸聲。

There had been air raid warning, and the train slowed to thirty miles an hour . 由于空襲警報已拉響,車速減到每小時三十英里。

He raided the closets, tore up books, and killed the family's pet canary . 它毀壞櫥柜,撕扯圖書,把家里養的金絲雀也弄死了。

A raid from the north, on the other hand, must have been a matter for dread . 另一方面,來自北方的襲擊必然是一件可怕的事。

His patrols halted the raiding parties : hunger assailed the danish army . 他的巡邏隊阻抑了入侵部隊:饑餓威脅著丹麥軍隊。