
radiator n.1.輻射體,輻射器,放熱物。2.散熱器,暖氣管;(汽...


Radiator profiles series radiator profiles series 散熱器型材系列三

B : sure . should i check your radiator 好的。要不要檢查一下散熱器?

The dog nestled up against the warm radiator 狗倚著暖烘烘的散熱器

Railway rolling stock - radiator element - inspection methods 鐵路車輛.散熱器元件.檢查方法

Where ' s the key for turning off the radiator 關散熱器的開關在哪里

Who would store ice cubes near a radiator 誰會把冰塊擱在電熱器附近?

Thermostatic radiator valves - requirements and test methods 恒溫散熱器閥.要求和試驗方法

I got to flush this radiator before lunch 我得在午飯前把水箱沖洗干凈

Flat tube copper and copper alloy for heat radiator 銅及銅合金散熱扁管

This car has a fan - cooled radiator 這部汽車有一個由風扇散熱的冷卻器。

Seeing her tied to the radiator was too much 看到她被綁在電暖爐上的樣子,我實在忍不住。

Heating radiator - aluminium column - wing - type 采暖散熱器鋁制柱翼型散熱器

Radiator identification system based on neural networks 神經網絡在輻射源識別系統中的應用

Guide to selection and use of thermostatic radiator valves 恒溫散熱器閥的選擇和使用指南

Radiators for automobiles - test method of heat dissipation 汽車散熱器.散熱性能試驗方法

Internal combustion engines - oil radiators - specification 內燃機.機油散熱器.技術條件

Hurstwood sat and read by his radiator in the corner 赫斯渥在屋角的取暖爐邊坐著看報。

He hit me , tied me to the radiator and fucked me 他打我,把我綁在電暖爐上,然后操我。

Radiator . steel convector with fin - and - tube 采暖散熱器.鋼制閉式串片散熱器