
radiation n.1.發光,射光,放熱,放射,發射。2.【物理學】輻射...

radiation field

there will be no amplification of radiation at the frequency . 在頻率處的輻射將不會有任何增強。

Because of this radiation they said the substance was radioactive . 由于這種輻射性現象,他們把該種物質稱為放射性物質。

The body transmits heat by radiation and receives heat by the same process . 人體通過輻射散熱并通過同樣的過程接受熱。

The reflectivity of land to solar radiation is much higher than that of ocean . 陸地對太陽輻射的反射率遠遠高于海洋。

The different excitation sources are pulsed to give intermittent radiation . 各種激發源形成脈動,以產生間歇的輻射。

The spectral distribution of a black body radiation is described by planck's . 黑體輻射的光譜分配由普朗克定律描述。

Partial radiation pyrometers are sensitive to narrow selective wavebands . 部分輻射高溫計在窄的選擇波段上是靈敏的。

The material must be sensitized for the monochromatic radiation of the laser . 此材料必須對該激光器的單色輻射敏感。

Radioactivity is the ejection of particles or radiation from the nucleus . 放射性是原子從核中射出粒子或輻射的現象。

Illuminance of illuminating radiation is always measured in photometric units . 照明輻射的照度通常是以光度為單位。

Our knowledge regarding the effects of ionizing radiations is still meagre . 我們關于電離輻射效應的知識仍很不足。

In addition to light, there are dangerous radiations given off by the sun . 除了光以外,太陽還發出危險的放射線。

Remarkably enough, radiation of exactly this kind has been discovered . 非常出乎意外,恰恰是這種輻射被發現了。

The radiation was filtered either by borosilicate glass or by quartz . 輻射光源或用硼硅酸鹽玻璃或用石英過濾。

The universe is bathed by an isotropic bath of microwave radiation . 整個宇宙存在著一個各向同性的微波幅射場。

It is a straightforward task to calculate the radiation of different waves . 計算不同地震波的幅射并不困難。

The use of radiation disinfection could solve some sticky problems . 使用輻照滅菌能夠解決某些棘手的問題。

Infrared radiation has wavelengths longer than those of visible light . 紅外輻射的波長比可見光的波長長。

Total radiation instruments employ some broad spectral band sensors . 全輻射儀器要使用某些寬頻帶傳感器。