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radar screen 雷達熒光屏[幕];〔比喻〕備受公眾注意的地方。


Psr is a radio detection equipment that provides information on range and bearing of aircraft in the form of a target blip on the radar screen to air traffic controllers by transmitting radar pulses and detecting the reflected signals from the aircraft . no active transponder or avionics on board aircraft has to be relied on 監察雷達發出雷達脈沖,偵測從飛機反射回來的信號,便可計算飛機的距離及方位,并以目標點在雷達屏向航空交通管制員顯示,而不須依靠航機上的應答機或其他航空器材。

There are other factors on our radar screen , but none as challenging as these two for maintaining monetary and financial stability , which is an important area of our responsibility . but i certainly hope the risks i have identified will not materialise 雖然除了這兩項因素以外,還有其他因素要加以注視,但它們對維持貨幣及金融穩定金管局其中一項主要職責帶來的挑戰,都不如以上兩點那樣重大。

[ size = 3 ] for instance , if one is performing a watch - keeping task that requires vigilance , [ color = red ] in which [ / color ] he is responsible for detecting weak signals of some kind ( e . g , watching a radar screen for the appearance of aircraft ) 比如,看守工作是需要保持警戒的,看守員有責任發現某些種類的微弱信號(例如,觀察雷達屏幕發現飛行器) 。

For instance , if one is performing a watch - keeping task that requires vigilance , [ color = red ] in which [ / color ] he is responsible for detecting weak signals of some kind ( e . g , watching a radar screen for the appearance of aircraft ) 比如,看守工作是需要保持警戒的,看守員有責任發現某些種類的微弱信號(例如,觀察雷達屏幕發現飛行器) 。

Another controller , called the radar hand - off controller , assists the radar and associate radar controllers during times of heavy traffic , watching the radar screen and helping to maintain smooth air - traffic flow 當交通處于高峰時期,除了雷達管制人員和聯合管制人員外,還有臨時雷達管制人員,監視雷達信息以幫助保持交通順暢。

If a conventional aircraft makes a blip on radar screens at 200 kilometers , a stealthy plane wouldn ' t appear until it was 34km away 假如普通飛機在200公里以外時在雷達屏幕上形成一個光點,那么隱形飛機要到34公里時才會在雷達屏幕上顯現。

The radar screen in the wheelhouse shows him every ship that is near him , every piece of land , every rock , every buoy 駕駛室里的熒光屏向他顯示出他附近的每一只船、每一片陸地、每一塊礁石、每一塊浮標。

In fact , that has happened , although it has appeared to have “ slipped under the radar screen “ of most developers 事實上,這種情況已經發生了,盡管它看起來好像從大多數開發人員的雷達屏上消失了。

From our vantage point , the reality of pay - per - click fraud is merely a blip on the radar screen 站在對我們有利的點來看,按點擊量付費的一些欺騙行為實質上僅僅是雷達屏幕上的一點而已!

A blip representing the airplane appears on the controller ' s radar screen with this information beside it 在管制人員的雷達上將會出現一個影像表示飛機,并在其旁邊附有如上信息。

The much politicised global imbalance is still by far the most prominent factor on the radar screen 首個最重要的因素,仍然是很大程度上已被政治化的全球貿易失衡問題。

Macro adjustment and control on the mainland is the second most prominent factor on our radar screen 內地宏觀調控是影響貨幣及金融穩定的第二個最主要因素。

An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar screen 一個不明飛行物出現在雷達熒屏上。

An airplane appears on the radar screen 一架飛機出現在雷達螢幕上。

They picked up the ship on their radar screen 他們在雷達屏上看到了那艘船。

They picked up the yacht on their radar screen 他們在雷達屏上看到了那艘游艇