
rabelais Rabelais , Francois 拉伯雷〔1490...


That our estimable game - keeper should have about him a touch of rabelais seems to make him more monstrous and shocking than a murderer like crippen . yet these people in tevershall are a loose lot , if one is to believe all accounts . the trouble is , however , the execrable bertha coutts has not confined herself to her own experiences and sufferings 我們的可敬的守獵人竟有拉伯雷的的傾向,這在村人的眼中似乎使他變得比一個殺人兇手如巨立朋更其怪庚而令人發指,可是然種種傳說看來,達娃斯哈村里這些人民也是荒淫不羈的。

It was no mystery to me any longer why he and others ( dante , rabelais , van gogh , etc . , etc . ) had made their pilgrimage to paris 這是在鯨魚肚子里做一陣黑暗、可怕的居留;是試圖解放自己的血腥掙扎;是要從過去的羈絆中脫身;是投射在異國海岸上的明亮、血跡斑斑的太陽。

Rabelais ' grotesque realist fictions and culture of folk humor 拉伯雷的怪誕現實主義小說和民間詼諧文化