
quisling n.賣國賊,叛國分子,傀儡政府頭子〔源于挪威法西斯黨魁吉...


1945 vidkun quisling , the puppet premier of norway , was sentenced to death for collaboration - was executed on 24th october 1945年,維德昆吉斯林,挪威的傀儡總統由于通敵罪被判處死刑,于10月24日執行。

1945 vidkun quisling , the puppet premier of norway , was sentenced to death for collaboration - was executed on 24th october 1945年10月24日,威昆。凱斯林,挪威的傀儡總理,被判通敵賣國并執行死刑。

1945 vidkun quisling , the puppet premier of norway , was sentenced to death for collaboration - was executed on 24th october 1945年10月24日,挪威的傀儡總理威昆?凱斯林被判通敵賣國罪而處死。

It needs adjudgement even if there ' s quisling , and it ' s not your turn to kill with your dao 即使有國賊也要審判,可能輪不到你的刀來殺呀