
quietude n.寂靜;平靜;寧靜;沉著。


A person must seek a place of quietude , which is well ventilated , free from dust , insects , unpleasant smell , draught , and moisture . there should be no distraction whatsoever 一個人需要尋找一個安靜地所在,在那里有良好的通風,沒有灰沙,沒有蟲子,沒有讓人感到討厭的味道,沒有太強烈的氣流,不潮濕,那里應該沒有任何會讓你分心的什么事務。

So , we establish a simple forum and hope we can supply you a stage , you can speak , talk and discuss , and also , can put your heart in our quietude 為此,我們準備了一個小小的論壇,希望能夠為專業人士和業外友人提供一個良好的環境,在這里可以暢所欲言,可以發表評論,可以讓我們的身心得到平靜的撫慰。

Quietude of custody rather , befitting their station in that house , the vigilant watch of shepherds and of angels about a crib in bethlehem of juda long ago 一片守護者的寧靜,這倒很合乎他們在產院中的地位。恰似昔日在猶大的伯利恒,牧羊人和天使曾通宵達旦守護在馬槽周圍一樣。

In the daytime , everywhere crowd , pelple much , talking much , but at night , it is very quietude . sometime i like listen to music when it is quietude . i feel very comfortable 白天,人多話也多到了晚上就很安靜。有時候我喜歡安靜旁邊開著音樂感覺很舒服

It is remarkable , that persons who speculate the most boldly often conform with the most perfect quietude to the external regulations of society 值得重視的是,那些具有最大膽的思想觀點的人,對于外界的清規戒律也最能泰然處之。

The stranger had entered the room with the characteristic quietude of the profession to which he announced himself as belonging 陌生人心平氣和地走進牢房,那態度倒和他自稱的醫生職業相稱。

It was exceptionally quiet that day and even the neighboring residents seemed to be affected by the quietude 當天共修時,氣氛顯得特別寧靜,小中心周遭的民眾似乎也沉浸在一片悄然靜息中。

This kind of gentle tinge leads you to the quietude of hardly course that the nationality walked through 水天一色,夕陽溶金,那種平和的色調讓你讀著一支民族走過艱辛歷程后的平靜。

Seek quietude and oblivion , so that you may return peaceably to france after a few years 靜靜地隱姓埋名地在那兒住下來,這樣,幾年以后你就可以平平安安地回到法國來了。

Although my mother disapproves , i consider an unmade bed a symbol of rest and quietude 雖然我的母親不贊成我這么做,但我認為這是休息和安靜的象征。

The pagoda , standing in the quietude of the monastery , conveys a solemn impression 院內的寶塔莊嚴雄偉,而兩旁院落又栽種了很多植物,一片清幽。

It can also imply a recovery from some kind of slump or period of quietude 它也暗示了從某種衰退或是沉寂期的恢復。

Quietude is the crown of life 安靜是生命的皇冠。

Quietude is the crown of life 平靜是生命的王冠。

Quietude is the crown of life 安靜乃生命之皇冠。

In normal period of political quietude he would have been a beloved president . 如果處于政治安定的正常時期,他會成為一位深受愛戴的總統。