
quietism n.【宗教】1.寂靜教〔17世紀一種基督教的神秘主義教派...


Witness russia ' s economic progress under mr putin , and his still - stellar popularity ? even if that is attributable in part to the kremlin ' s media management , and to the widespread political quietism that followed russia ' s stressful 1990s 俄羅斯經濟在普金治下所取得的進步和他居高不下的聲望便是見證? ?雖然一方面這要歸功于克里姆林宮對媒體的控制,以及俄羅斯政治在經歷緊張壓抑的上世紀90年代后所普遍呈現的清靜無為狀態。

In the early years of the west - han dynasty , the policy of emperors ( from emperor wen to emperor wu ) , which embraced the combination of huang - lao taoist thought and quietism , has turned the han dynasty into a dominate power 摘要從西漢初期黃老思想搭配著清靜無為的治國方針,經歷呂后與文、景,至漢武國力達到頂峰,然而一切也開始產生劇變。

“ that was sufficient - for last night . “ but brissenden was not a disciple of quietism , and he changed his attitude abruptly “他昨天晚上也全是靠腦子記的, ”布里森登可不是沉默主義的信徒。