
quieten vt.,vi.〔俚語〕=quiet vt.,vi.


The rumours quietened down a little in the city , but there was still and undercurrent , subtle but pervasive : primordium was in a very volatile state ; like an explosive , which might be set off with a jolt 城中的流言漸漸平息了,但潛藏在人們心中的陰影仍無法被磨去,雖然淡薄卻深入人心:普利摩頓是一個非常暴力的城邦;整個城市就象個大炸藥包,隨時都有爆炸的可能。

Actually , jay wanted to pay a personal house visit to him , but there ' s media watching outside from jacky wu ' s residence , worried of creating more problems , hence decided to wait and see after the whole matter had quieten down 其實,周杰倫有想親自登門探望,但連日來媒體守在吳宗憲家門口,怕引發過多騷動,還是決定等事情過后再說。

When things quietened down , hans wong was astounded to see a dozen of men crawling on top of one another just next to him . at the time hans was making his move , p . k 完成拘捕行動后,黃英杰回頭一看,見十多二十人似疊羅漢般倒在地上,根本分不清誰是誰。

Contain chamomile extract and lavender essence , can repair efficiently the sensitive skin and prevent micrangium from expanding to break , relieve and quieten skin 蘊涵洋苷菊提取液和薰衣草精華,能有效修護敏感肌膚及防止微血管擴張破裂,舒緩鎮靜肌膚。

By september , the situation had begun to quieten ; the south china morning post reported , with a sense of wonder , a headline “ bomb - free day for colony “ 到了九月,情況開始平靜,南華早報嘖嘖稱奇地報導,用了香港免受炸彈滋擾一日的標題。

But as he spoke , they quietened , he pointed out that they were needed for an essential job to act as an army of occupation 但是當他說話時,他們變安靜了。他指出他們需要一個基本的工作,把參軍作為一個職業。

Three engines would each drive three fans that are smaller and thus easier to quieten than current ones 三臺引擎將分別發動三個螺旋槳,螺旋槳被設計得更小,更易于靜音。

Just quieten your feelings and thoughts and try to stay in this peace 使自己的情感和想法冷靜下來,并盡量保持這種狀態,自然會喚起所有的能力和力量。 ”

In most cases the captive gradually quietens down and begins to accept its food 大多數情況下,新捕的象會逐漸安靜下來,并開始接受喂飼的食物。

Keep quiet , nancy , or i ' ii quieten you for a good iong time to come 別出聲,南希否則我會叫你以后都說不出話來

All the restless devils inside her were quietened by this silence and by the calm strength of this companion . 這同伴的沉著鎮靜,把她心中的煩躁不安驅散得一干二凈。