quiescence n.1.不動,靜止。2.(蠶等的)休眠,靜止期。3.寂靜...
n. 1.不動,靜止。 2.(蠶等的)休眠,靜止期。 3.寂靜,沉默。 4.(疾病的)被遏制狀態。 短語和例子the quiescence period 休眠期。 “motion in quiescence“ 中文翻譯: 靜中有動“ovarian quiescence“ 中文翻譯: 卵巢靜止“quiescence plate“ 中文翻譯: 阻尼隔板“radio quiescence“ 中文翻譯: 無線電沉默; 無線電靜默; 無線電臺沉默“release quiescence“ 中文翻譯: 解除休止“still quiescence“ 中文翻譯: 寂滅“system quiescence“ 中文翻譯: 系統靜止“the perfume of quiescence“ 中文翻譯: 亭亭幽香“quiescence in game-tree search“ 中文翻譯: 博弈樹搜索中的靜止期“quiescence in high temperature“ 中文翻譯: 高溫靜置“release-quiescence indicator“ 中文翻譯: 釋放-停用指示符“quiescen current“ 中文翻譯: 靜態電流“quiesce-at-end-of-chain indicator“ 中文翻譯: 串指示器末端為靜態; 靜態鏈尾指示器; 鏈端靜態指示器“quiesce completed“ 中文翻譯: 禁止操作完成; 靜止期結束“quiescency“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.不動,靜止。 2.(蠶等的)休眠,靜止期。 3.寂靜,沉默。 4.(疾病的)被遏制狀態。 the quiescence period 休眠期。 “quiesce at end of chain“ 中文翻譯: 鏈結束時禁止操作“quiescent“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.不動的,靜止的。 2.(蠶等)靜止期的,休眠的。 3.寂靜的,沉默的。 4.(疾病等)被遏制的,無癥狀的。 a quiescent point 【物理學】靜點。 adv. -ly “quiesce“ 中文翻譯: 靜默
quiescency |
A sort of instinct seemed to warn him of her entrance , even when he did not see it ; and when he was looking quite away from the door , if she appeared at it , his cheek would glow , and his marble - seeming features , though they refused to relax , changed indescribably , and in their very quiescence became expressive of a repressed fervour , stronger than working muscle or darting glance could indicate 一種直覺向他提醒她已經進來了,即使他沒有看到,或者視線正好從門口轉開時也是如此。而要是她出現在門口,他的臉會灼灼生光,他那大理石一般的五官盡管拒不松弛,但難以形容地變了形。恬靜中流露出一種受壓抑的熱情,要比肌肉的活動和目光的顧盼所顯現的強烈得多。 |
If miss ingram had been a good and noble woman , endowed with force , fervour , kindness , sense , i should have had one vital struggle with two tigers - jealousy and despair : then , my heart torn out and devoured , i should have admired her - acknowledged her excellence , and been quiet for the rest of my days : and the more absolute her superiority , the deeper would have been my admiration - the more truly tranquil my quiescence 要是英格拉姆小姐是一位高尚出色的女人,富有力量熱情善心和識見,我倒會與兩頭猛虎嫉妒與絕望,作一誓死的搏斗。縱然我的心被掏出來吞噬掉,我也會欽佩她承認她的出眾,默默地度過余生。她愈是優越絕倫,我會愈加欽慕我的沉默也會愈加深沉。 |
The quiescence of the never really blossomed love between chang chang chen and hua gong li is elaborated by their seemingly closed yet distant dialogues and interaction . apart from the “ handjob “ in the beginning , chang and hua never really approach each other further , the most chang does is merely playing with the “ qipau “ chinese dress of hua in his little seaming room . in this scene , wong kar wai accurately and convincingly visualizes the repressed mind of the character who is engaging in a forbidden affair 小張和華小姐盡管藕斷絲連但除了最初的手外兩人皆沒有進一步的親密身體接觸小張苦戀著華最親密的動作只不過是把玩她的衣服這種對于愛欲和感情的壓抑可以算是繼花樣年華內梁朝偉把心事寄托于石洞后最成功又最令人感傷的一次情感發泄也是整部愛神中最教人動容的一幕。 |
From the point of view of ontological horizon , the characteristics of the doctrine of quiescence has many characteristics are shown as follows : firstly , quiescence consciousness is an ontology being which reaches a broad mind of subject - object fusion ; secondly , aesthetic subject has an intentionality by its pure spirit introversion ; thirdly , intentional object transcends the finite present , which is present by intentional imagination 摘要“虛靜”說在本體論視域下呈現如下特征:首先,虛靜自顯為一種具有主客相通性質的本體存在;其次,虛靜因審美主體明晰的精神指向性而具有一種意向性特征;最后,意向客體在虛靜中超越有限的在場之物,并借助意向性想象在精神上得以呈現。 |
This paper discuss the effect of roughness coefficient on the tropical cyclone landfalling process using a idealized tc model developed from psu / ncar mm5 in the condition of quiescence and f - plane atmosphere . in order to understand the different influences of land and sea surfaces in the tc landfalling process , two kind of experiments had been designed : one for settled tc , the other for movable tc , and each kind consists four tests . the result indicates that the distribution of wind , precipitation , warm core and intensity of tropical cyclone has been changed obviously due to the effect of difference between the land and sea 本文利用bogus技術在psu / ncarmm5中加入了理想熱帶氣旋初始渦旋,在f -平面和無環境流場的理想情況下,設計了兩組靜態和動態試驗,通過控制試驗和不同粗糙度的登陸試驗,分別從空間和時間上探討了理想熱帶氣旋的登陸規律和分布特征,特別研究了邊界層中熱帶氣旋中心區域風場的垂直細致結構,并初步分析了其物理機制。 |
Other say that it is a kid s point of view since the height of the camera equals to the height of a kid . although i can think of a logical explanation to interpret the first assump - tion too , that is , the sitting position enhances an attitude of calmness , quiescence and repose in the films , personally , i do agree with the latter assumption more than the first one 黑澤明自己亦曾說深受美國電影大師john ford影響,在敘事方式上擅用荷里活的classic narrative處理,所以他的電影和其他日本電影大師相比,無疑是比較融合了西方特色,所以亦較容易為西方電影觀眾接受。 |
A reception of finished politeness would probably have confused me : i could not have returned or repaid it by answering grace and elegance on my part ; but harsh caprice laid me under no obligation ; on the contrary , a decent quiescence , under the freak of manner , gave me the advantage 我坐了下來,一點也不窘。禮儀十足地接待我,倒反會使我手足無措,因為在我來說,無法報之以溫良恭謙。而粗魯任性可以使我不必拘禮,相反,行為古怪又合乎禮儀的沉默,卻給我帶來了方便。 |
So , population reproduction is not steady , and the get to the permanent steady quiescence need a long time . from the age structure , it also shows that during these twenties years , hetian belong to the intergraded reproduction of high birthrate , low death rate and high growth rate 同樣,年齡構成指標從靜態和動態角度出發也反映出和田在近20年前后是屬于高出生、低死亡、高增長的過渡階段的人口再生產類型,年齡結構較為年輕。 |
Eg . ravenstein , the british statistician , the ancestor who researches flow of population , has said that the move and flow of population signifies survival and progress , while quiescence signifies stagnation and depression 最早研究人的流動的英國統計學家eg .列文斯坦( ravenstein )曾說過,人的遷移與流動意味著生存和進步,而靜止則意味著停滯和蕭條。 |
With the east asian cases incorporated into the oecd country samples , the author find that centralized union structure and collective bargaining are not necessary and sufficient conditions for industrial peace and labor quiescence 在樣本納入三個非西方國家之后,本研究發現:集中化的工會組織與集體協商結構,并不必然是工業和平的充分或必要條件。 |
So , as for system using dependent transaction , the dynamic adaptation process of target node ' s reaching quiescence is determined by the linear dependency relationship of role specific agents 因此對于使用依賴事務的系統來說,目標結點達到靜止狀態的動態改變過程是按照角色相關的agent的線性依賴關系確定的,并且是線性的。 |
Zygotic genome activation ( zga ) is a nuclear reprogramming event that transforms the genome from transcriptional quiescence at fertilization to robust transcriptional activity shortly thereafter 合子基因組激活( zga )是一個細胞核重編程事件,使基因組從受精時的轉錄靜止轉變為立即的活躍轉錄。 |
He never omitted the ceremony afterwards , and the gravity and quiescence with which i underwent it , seemed to invest it for him with a certain charm 從此以后他再也沒有忽略這一禮節,每次我都嚴肅莊重,默默無言地忍受著,在他看來似乎又為這吻增加了魅力。 |
If edgar linton meets me , i shall not hesitate to knock him down , and give him enough to insure his quiescence while i stay 如果埃德加林敦遇見我,我將毫不猶豫地一拳打倒他,在我待在那兒的時候保證給他足夠的時間休息。 |
To simulate the quiescence and flying status of the motor , the ablation is calculated with different cavity width 為模擬發動機靜止與飛行兩種不同狀態,本文對不同寬度的槽縫人工脫粘層的燒蝕進行了計算,對其進行了比較。 |
The image of buddha , who was called the greatest yogin of all times , expresses serene quiescence 佛陀的肖像,在任何時期都被稱為最偉大的瑜伽修行者,表達出平靜的靜止。 |
This update provides software to quiescence the team foundation server 此更新提供可以使team foundation server暫時靜止的軟體。 |