
quiddity n.1.(人、事物的)本質;實質。2.遁辭,詭辯,狡辯。...


The marxist - about - woman is to reveal the fact that as the force of impeling society development , women should take the same social station and the same right of choosing and creating a new life . the quiddity of marxist - about - woman is to pay attention to the lost subjectivity of women in history 馬克思主義婦女觀旨在控訴女性被奴役的不合理性,揭示女性與男性同作為推動社會歷史發展的主體力量,當享有與男性同等的社會地位,有選擇和創造新生活的權利,其實質就是對人類歷史發展過程中失卻了的婦女主體性的關注。

Application of the accounting principle quot; quiddity is more important than modality quot; in the accounting practice 實質重于形式原則在會計實務中的具體應用