
querulous adj.愛抱怨的;愛發牢騷的;易發脾氣的。adv.-ly...


Mrs . bennet was restored to her usual querulous serenity , and by the middle of june kitty was so much recovered as to be able to enter meryton without tears ; an event of such happy promise as to make elizabeth hope that by the following christmas , she might be so tolerably reasonable as not to mention an officer above once a day , unless , by some cruel and malicious arrangement at the war - office , another regiment should be quartered in meryton 班納特太太又象往常一樣動不動就發牢騷。到了六月中旬吉蒂完全恢復了常態,到麥里屯去可以不掉眼淚了,伊麗莎白看到真高興,她希望到了圣誕節,吉蒂會變得相當有理智,不至于每天三番五次地提到軍官們,除非作戰部不管人家死活,又來一次惡作劇,重新調一團人駐扎到麥里屯來。

The poem swung in majestic rhythm to the cool tumult of interstellar conflict , to the onset of starry hosts , to the impact of cold suns and the flaming up of nebular in the darkened void ; and through it all , unceasing and faint , like a silver shuttle , ran the frail , piping voice of man , a querulous chirp amid the screaming of planets and the crash of systems 那詩以莊重的節奏振蕩起伏,伴隨著星際沖突的清冷的波濤萬千星宿的前進步伐和無數冷冰冰的太陽的沖擊,伴隨著最黑暗的空虛望的星云的燃燒而在這一切之間,卻傳來了入類微弱細小的聲音,有如一支銀梭,不斷地無力地吶喊著,在星球的呼嘯和天體的撞擊聲中只不過是幾聲哀怨悲嗟的唧唧啾鳴。

The curved moon is a musical instrument high up in the sky , with only a few scattered stars as querulous and plaintive notes , and wisps of the moonlight , penetrating through clouds , keep plucking exceedingly senti - mental and mild love tone at the peaceful night 彎彎的月亮是一張琴,它高高地掛在天幕上,寥落的寒星是如泣如訴的音符,在幽靜的夜晚,透過云彩的縷縷月光,不斷地抒彈著纏綿委婉的戀曲。

Its just the same as alone , without my friends . and he doesnt expect me to be afraid . her tone was querulous now , her upper lip was lifted , giving her face not a joyous expression , but a wild - animal look , like a squirrel 她的聲調已經含有埋怨的意味,小嘴唇翹了起來,使臉龐賦有不高興的松鼠似的獸性的表情。她默不作聲了,似乎她認為在皮埃爾面前說到她懷孕是件不體面的事,而這正是問題的實質所在。

On the contrary , he said in a querulous and irritated voice , that contrasted with the flattering intention of the words he uttered ; on the contrary , the participation of your most high excellency in common action is highly appreciated by his majesty “與此相反, ”他用埋怨的憤怒的口氣說,這種口氣和他含有諂媚意味的話語相抵觸, “與此相反,陛下高度贊賞閣下參與我們的共同事業。

“ the jeweller began eating his supper , and the woman , who was ordinarily so querulous and indifferent to all who approached her , was suddenly transformed into the most smiling and attentive hostess “珠寶商開始吃起飯來,卡康脫女人則繼續向他獻小殷勤,象個小心的主婦一樣。她平常是那樣的古怪別扭,而這時卻變成了一位關心他人的有禮貌的模范家庭主婦了。

I therefore advise those critical , querulous discontented , unhappy people , that if they wish to be respected and beloved by others , and happy in themselves , they should leave off looking at the ugly leg 因此,我勸告那些苛刻挑剔、牢騷滿腹、事事不滿、郁郁寡歡的人們,如果他們希望自己受人敬愛而享有幸福,他就應該不再去看人家難看的腿。

I therefore advise those critical , querulous , discontented , unhappy people , that if they wish to be respected and beloved by others , & happy in themselves they should leave off looking at the ugly leg 因此,我勸告那些性情苛酷、怨憤不平、和郁郁寡歡的人,如果他們希望能受人敬愛而自得其樂,他們就不可再去注意人家壞腿了。

She had what he called the new york mouth , a grim , set mouth , a strained , querulous mouth , a mouth that told of suffering and discontent 這個女人長著一張他所謂“紐約嘴” ?冷冰冰硬繃繃的嘴,緊張過度、牢騷不絕的嘴,一望而知是歷盡苦楚,滿懷怨恨。

And thus it is that time goes by while i give it to every querulous man who claims it , and thine altar is empty of all offerings to the last 因此,在我把時間讓給每一個性急的,向我索要時間的人,我的時間就虛度了,最后你的神壇上就沒有一點祭品。

And thus it is that time goes by while i give it to every querulous man who claims it , and thine altar is empty of all offerings to the last 因此當我把時間讓給每個發牢騷、索要時間的人時,時間流逝,你的祭壇到最后是供品空空。

Years of being an underpaid and underappreciated factory worker had made him into a querulous , bitter old man 多年來身為一個低收入、低地位的工廠勞工,使他成為一個愛發牢騷、滿腹委屈的老頭。

Nothing was stirring except a bridled , grey cat , which crept from the ashes , and saluted me with a querulous mew 沒有一點動靜,只有一只斑紋灰貓從灰燼里爬出來,怨聲怨氣地咪唔一聲向我致敬。

O , you priestified kinchite ! joyfully he thrust the message and envelope into a pocket but keened in querulous brogue 他樂呵呵地將電報和封套塞到兜里,卻又用愛爾蘭土腔氣沖沖地說:

15 june 1889 . a querulous newborn female infant crying to cause and lessen congestion 一個剛剛呱呱落地的脾氣暴躁的女嬰,哭哭啼啼,既導致又舒散充血性征候。

He went on into the next room , and the querulous bass notes of his voice were at once audible there 他走進另一間房,那兒立刻傳來他低沉而憤慨的聲音。

She had what he called the new york mouth, a grim, set mouth, a strained, querulous mouth, a mouth that told of suffering and discontent . 這個女人長著一張他所謂“紐約嘴”冷冰冰硬繃繃的嘴,緊張過度、牢騷不絕的嘴,一望而知是歷盡苦楚,滿懷怨恨。

It was a very sharp attack, and because he was not used to illness, he was querulous and difficult . 這次的病是非常厲害的,而且由于他平常不大生病,所以容易動怒,很難侍候。

One gets unsettled, depressed, and inclined to be querulous . 有的人變得心緒不寧,神情沮喪,動不動就愛發牢騷。