
queenly adj.(像)女王的,儼然女王的,有威嚴的。adv.女王...


He had time to note the light , fluffy something that hid her queenly head , the tasteful lines of her wrapped figure , the gracefulness of her carriage and of the hand that caught up her skirts ; and then she was gone and he was left staring at the two girls of the cannery , at their tawdry attempts at prettiness of dress , their tragic efforts to be clean and trim , the cheap cloth , the cheap ribbons , and the cheap rings on the fingers 他注意到她那王家氣派的頭上罩了個輕飄飄的東西注意到她盛裝的身軀那品味高雅的線條她那曼婉美妙的神態和提著長據的纖手。她很快便走掉了,留下地望著兩個罐頭廠的姑娘:兩人刻意打扮,卻顯得花里胡哨她們為了打扮得干凈漂亮所作的努力令人難過。廉價的衣料廉價的絲帶,手指上還套著廉價的戒指。

One ought to be sensible , zoe kept saying every morning , and nana herself was constantly haunted by the queenly vision seen at chamont . it had now become an almost religious memory with her , and through dint of being ceaselessly recalled it grew even more grandiose 佐愛每天早上都說,做人要通情達理,她自己頭腦中也經常出現一個具有宗教色彩的回憶,也就是夏蒙那樣富麗堂皇的景象,由于她的不斷回憶,這種景象變得壯觀了。

He had time to note the light , fluty something that hid her queenly head , the tasteful lines of her wrapped figure , the gracefulness of her carriage and of the hand caught up her skirts 他注意到她高貴的頭在輕柔的絨毛飾物中若隱若現,盛裝打扮的身軀勾勒出高雅的曲線,玉手提起長裙的姿態大方優美。

Miss ingram , who had now seated herself with proud grace at the piano , spreading out her snowy robes in queenly amplitude , commenced a brilliant prelude ; talking meantime 英格拉姆小姐此刻坐在鋼琴前面,矜持而儀態萬方,雪白的長袍堂皇地鋪開。她開始彈起了燦爛的前奏曲,一面還交談著。

Loftily and magnificently . mt . siguniang stands with it s peculiarities in queenly grace . it s narrow summit appears very much like a castle . beacause of its hazardous stee 四姑娘山山峰尖削陡峭,峰頂窄如城堡,且終年積雪,由于它特別的險峻,有幸登頂者寥寥若晨星。

There was an innate refinement , a languid queenly hauteur about gerty which was unmistakably evidenced in her delicate hands and higharched instep 但是榮譽歸于該享受它的人。格蒂天生優雅,有著楚楚動人女王般的非凡氣宇6 。

You see now , my queenly blanche , began lady ingram , she encroaches . be advised , my angel girl - and - “現在你明白了吧,我的布蘭奇女王”英格拉姆夫人開腔了, “她得寸進尺了。

The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap , displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint 那位美女把她那鑲邊的貉皮大氅脫下來甩在一邊,裸露

Such a queenly mien 這么一派女王風度。

Why couldn t a girl be queenly , and give the gift of herself 為什么一個少女不能以身相就,象一個王后似的賜予思惠呢?

Miss ingram seated herself with proud grace at the piano, spreading out her snowy robes in queenly amplitude . 英格拉姆小姐驕傲而文雅地坐在鋼琴跟前,雪白的長袍向四面鋪開,象女王的衣服一樣。