
quaff n.一飲而盡,痛飲;一飲而盡的酒。 -ableadj.可...


As infants smile and sleep , we are rocked in the cradle of our wayward fancies , and lulled into security by the roar of the universe around us0we quaff the cup of life with eager haste without draining it , instead of which it only overflows the more - objects press around us , filling the mind with their magnitude and with the strong of desires that wait upon them , so that we have no room for the thoughts of death 像嬰兒帶著微笑入睡,我們躺在用自己編織成的搖籃里,讓大千世界的萬籟之聲催哄我們安然入夢;我們急切切,興沖沖地暢飲生命之杯,怎么也不會飲干,反而好像永遠是滿滿欲溢;森羅萬象紛至沓來,各種欲望隨之而生,使我們騰不出工夫想死亡。

Mother s milk , purefoy , the milk of human kin , milk too of those burgeoning stars overhead , rutilant in thin rainvapour , punch milk , such as those rioters will quaff in their guzzlingden , milk of madness , the honeymilk of canaan s land . thy cow s dug was tough , what ? ay , but her milk is hot and sweet and fattening 母親的乳汁,普里福伊,人類的乳汁307 ,也是在上空化為稀薄的水蒸氣,灼灼生輝,擴展開來的銀河的乳汁,放蕩者在酒店里咕嘟咕嘟狂飲的潘趣308奶,瘋狂的乳汁,迦南樂土的奶與蜜309 ,母牛的奶頭挺堅硬,是嗎?

All go superbly with tea . huang is also exploiting alternative possibilities for tea , using leaf tea , tea soup and tea powder to make various adaptations of classic dishes , such as black - tea skewered meat , chicken in oolong , and pu er dongpo pork . whether eaten , quaffed or sniffed , everything on the menu at is tea is simply delicious 黃德昌并將茶葉發揚光大,利用茶葉茶湯茶粉等各種茶葉的形式,做出典雅精致的茶葉菜肴,例如紅茶玉串烏雞柳普洱東坡肉等,不管是吃的喝的聞的,都令人驚艷。

And lo , as they quaffed their cup of joy , a godlike messenger came swiftly in , radiant as the eye of heaven , a comely youth , and behind him there passed an elder of noble gait and countenance , bearing the sacred scrolls of law , and with him his lady wife , a dame of peerless lineage , fairest of her race 瞧,當他們快活地將那酒一飲而盡時,天神般的使者轉眼到來。這是個英俊少年,燦爛如太陽,跟在他后面踱進來的是位雍容高雅的長者。他手執法典圣卷,伴隨而來的是他那位門第無比高貴的夫人,女性中的佼佼者。

A study published in the new england journal of medicine should give people reason to rethink the wisdom of quaffing vast amount or water or sports drinks while exercising vigorously ? at least if they are engaging in such endurance tests as a marathon 發表在《新英格蘭醫學雜志》的一篇研究報告足以警醒從事劇烈運動的人? ?至少是那些參加諸如馬拉松之類的耐力賽的人? ?重新思考要不要在運動時大量喝水或飲料。

Also he took the cup that stood tofore him for him needed never none asking nor desiring of him to drink and , now drink , said he , fully delectably , and he quaffed as far as he might to their both s health for he was a passing good man of his lustiness 19不待人請或勸,彼即舉起眼前之杯,曰: “曷不痛飲! ”乃暢飲一通,祝母子健康。蓋彼素以擅長尋歡作樂著稱。

Might there not be an irresistible desire to quaff a last , long , breathless draught of the cup of wormwood and aloes , with which nearly all her years of womanhood had been 既然自從她成為婦人以來的多年中,幾乎始終品嘗著苦艾和蘆薈,難道這時就不會有一種難以逼止的欲望要最后一次屏住氣吸上一大杯這種苦劑嗎?

Quaffing nectar at mess with gods , golden dishes , all ambrosial . not like a tanner lunch we have , boiled mutton , carrots and turnips , bottle of allsop 可不像我們通常吃的那種六便士一份的午餐:燉羊肉胡蘿卜蕪菁和一瓶奧爾索普251 。

On average , the women who quaffed a beer or a glass of wine each day tended to have the mental agility of someone a year and a half younger than abstainers 每天喝一杯啤酒或葡萄酒的女性的思維能力平均比同齡戒酒女性年輕1歲半。

I quaffed the nectarbowl with him this very day , said lenehan . in mooney s en ville and in mooney s sur mer “今天我還和他一道痛飲過美酒哩, ”利內翰說, “城里的穆尼酒館和海濱上的47穆尼酒館。

Now drink we , quod he , of this mazer and quaff ye this mead which is not indeed parcel of my body but my soul s bodiment 斯蒂芬曰: “干杯,諸君,且飲蜂蜜酒。雖非屬吾肉身,此亦吾魂魄之象征。

Yet , if death be in this cup , i bid thee think again , ere thou beholdest me quaff it 不過,要是這杯藥可以致我于死地,在你眼看著我一口吞下去之前,我請求你再想一想。

We quaffed wine last night 我們昨晚暢飲了一次酒。

He is quaffing his beer by the pint 他論品脫地大喝啤酒。

He quaffed the swelling rapture of life from the foaming goblet of the infinite . 他從那穹蒼的起泡的杯中,痛飲充滿生命的狂喜。

They quaffed the liquor in profound silence, and then returned to their game . 他們一聲不響地把酒一口氣喝干,然后又去打球了。

They quaffed back both bottles . 對著這兩瓶酒,他們開懷暢飲。