
quadruped n.【動物;動物學】四足動物(尤指哺乳動物)。adj.有...


The cows jumped wildly over the five - barred barton - gate , maddened by the gad - fly ; dairyman crick kept his shirt - sleeves permanently rolled up from monday to saturday : open windows had no effect in ventilation without open doors , and in the dairy - garden the blackbirds and thrushes crept about under the currant - bushes , rather in the manner of quadrupeds than of winged creatures 只開窗戶而不把門打開,風是透不進來的在奶牛場的園子里,烏鴉和畫盾在覆盆子樹叢下跳來跳去,看它們的樣子,與其說它們是長翅膀的飛鳥,還不如說它們是長四條腿的走獸。

Legged robot has the high adaptability to the environment , it can be applied in the fields of scientific investigation , national defense , aerospace exploration etc , in recent years , research on biped humanoid robots and quadruped robots was most exciting topics in the field of robotics . while researchers work completely on the dynamical biped walking and the quadruped walking , there is less study on the dynamical quadruped walking ? especially on irregular terrain 由于腿式機器人對環境有較強的適應性,可應用于科學考察、國防、空間探索等諸多領域,近些年來,仿人雙足步行機器人和仿生四足步行機器人一直是機器人領域非常熱門的研究對象。雖然研究者們對兩足機器人的動步行和四足機器人的靜步行都有了非常深入的研究,但對四足機器人的動步行?特別是野外和不平坦路面等復雜地況下的動步行研究還很少。

Based on the analysis of the jumping theory of locust , we abstract and simplify the model , establish a quadruped jumping model , analysis the kinematics and dynamics of this model from the energy way , we give out the condition that the model can jump and the expression of height and length during each jump 通過對蝗蟲起跳運動機理的分析,對其起跳模型進行簡化,建立了四足跳躍機器人理論模型,從能量的角度對四足跳躍機器人的數學模型進行了運動學和動力學分析,同時給出了其離地起跳的前提條件以及單次跳躍高度和距離的表達式。

Because in middle youth he had often sat observing through a rondel of bossed glass of a multicoloured pane the spectacle offered with continual changes of the thoroughfare without , pedestrians , quadrupeds , velocipedes , vehicles , passing slowly , quickly , evenly , round and round and round the rim of a round precipitous globe 因為他在青壯年時,經常坐在屋里,隔著那嵌有浮凸飾的五彩圓玻璃窗子,觀察外界大街上千變萬化的景物:步行者四足動物腳踏車車輛,或急匆匆或慢悠悠或不緊不慢地經過,沿著垂直的圓球面的邊緣滴溜溜滴溜溜滴溜溜地旋轉。

Considering that aspartic acid ( d ) and glutamic acid ( e ) are very similar to each other , together with the biological function of the landmark , thus that the two landmarks can be regarded as no difference ; 3 ) conservative cysteine in terms of their numbers and positions in the extracellular domain . in ghr1 group , fghrl and zfghrl have seven cysteins , which are the same as that of quadruped . in ghr2 group which includes cohoghr isf1 , cohoghr isf2 , chghr , fghr2 and zfghr2 , the cysteine number and positon are very similar to each other but are different from ghr1 group . especially , the fghr2 has five cysteins that is one more than zfghr2 ; 3 ) conservative boxl domain . with all the ghrs identified so far , boxl are comprised of ppxpxp ( x represents any amino acid ) 在fghri和zfghri都為7個,數目和四足動物ghr一致;在fghrz胞外膚氨酸殘基為5個, zfghrz為4個,和同屬于ghrz的eohoghrisfl 、 eohoghrisfz 、 ehghr基本保持一致,但是卻和傳統的ghri有比較大的區別; 3 )本試驗克隆和分離得到ghri和ghrz以及所有目前發表的ghr都有比較保守的boxl結構域,氨基酸組成為ppxpxp ,研究表明最后兩個脯氨酸殘基作用最大; 4 )在所有ghr中都完全一致的boxz ,序列為料efi ; 5 )在ghri和ghrz胞內部分都比較保守的酪氨酸殘基,他們被認為在信號傳導中起作用。

For instance , chimpanzees , which employ a peculiar form of quadrupedalism known as knuckle walking , spend some 35 percent more calories during locomotion than does a typical mammalian quadruped of the same size ? a large dog , for example 例如黑猩猩是以所謂指節行走(譯注?上肢以指關節著地)的模式行進,比起同體型的典型哺乳類以四足行走(如大型狗) ,多耗費35 %的能量。

Probably if our lives were more 46 ) conformed to nature , we should not need to defend ourselves against her heats and colds , but find her our constant nurse and friend , as do plants and 47 ) quadrupeds 假如我們能改造我們的生活,和大自然更能配合一致,我們也許就無需畏懼寒暑之侵,我們將同草木走獸一樣,認大自然是我們的保姆和良友,她是永遠照顧著我們的。

To realize dynamically stable walking on irregular terrain for a quadruped walking robot , the combination of the trajectory planning of the body and leg position and the adaptive attitude control is indispensable 為了實現四足機器人在復雜地況下的穩定動步行,身體和腿部的軌跡規劃及相應的姿態控制對研究起著決定性作用。

The founder of the museum , known as the cave of caves , said the unlikely quadruped is already dying because of its condition and it will be euthanised and stuffed by a local pharmacist 該組織表示,這只罕見的4腿雞由于身體狀況急劇惡化將不久去世,人們會對它實施安樂死,然后再由當地一位藥劑師將其身體填充制成標本。

According to renovation scheme and connecting with practical river harness situation , netlike cover protection and quadruped concrete hose measurements , which are comparatively effective , are commended 根據整治方案,結合治河實際情況,推薦了網罩護根防沖和混凝土四腳體護腳這兩種比較有效的護根措施。

Whereas the static quadruped walking can not be applied to irregular terrain , the research of walking dynamically on irregular terrain for an gorilla robot is of great importance 鑒于四足機器人靜步行難以適應野外和不平坦路面等復雜地況,本文研究復雜地況條件下類人猿機器人四足動步行具有很重要的意義。

Exclaimed tess , gently striving to free herself , her eyes concerned with the quadruped s actions , her heart more deeply concerned with herself and clare 苔絲嘴里嚷著,一邊輕輕地從克萊爾懷里掙脫出來,她的眼睛注意的是牛的動作,她的心里想的卻是克萊爾和她自己。

The avian tarsometatarsus distinguished from the tarsus and metatarsus of other quadruped by its unique characteristic of structure 摘要鳥類的跗跖骨以其獨特的結構特征與其他四足動物跗骨、跗骨相區別。

The part of the body of a human being or quadruped on either side of the backbone and between the ribs and hips 腰部人類或四足動物的身體部分,位于脊柱兩側,肋骨與臀部之間

“ some quadrupeds are not houses “ becomes , by contraposition , “ some thing not house are quadrupeds . “某些四足動物不是馬“ ,以反言論法,變成了“某些不是馬的東西是四足動物“ 。

Our work include the locomotion analysis of a quadruped jumping robot and the design of prototype 本課題對四足仿生跳躍機器人的起跳機理進行了研究并設計了原理樣機。

You ' re an intelligent man , tell me : is the monkey a quadruped or 你是個聰明人,告訴我:猴子是個四足動物還是

An analogous part of the leg of a dog or other quadruped 似?骨狗或其它四足動物腿上的類似部位

We saw some quadruped tracks near our camp 我們在營地附近看見一些四足獸的足跡。