quadrillion 〔英、德〕百萬的四次冪[乘方]之數〔1后有24個0之數〕...
〔英、德〕百萬的四次冪[乘方]之數〔1后有24個0之數〕;〔美、法〕千的五次冪[乘方]之數〔1后有15個0之數〕。 “quadrillionth“ 中文翻譯: 千萬億分之一的“quadrilled“ 中文翻譯: 方格“quadrilobate“ 中文翻譯: 四淺裂的“quadrille structure“ 中文翻譯: 格子構造“quadrilobulate lophophore“ 中文翻譯: 四葉型觸手冠“quadrille pattern“ 中文翻譯: 方格圖樣“quadrilocalar anther“ 中文翻譯: 四室花藥“quadrille paper“ 中文翻譯: 方格紙“quadrilocalaranther“ 中文翻譯: 四室花藥“quadrille finish“ 中文翻譯: 格紋裝飾
quadrinomial |
Bear in mind also that the outstanding notional stock of derivatives has soared to more than $ 1 / 2 quadrillion over this horizon , representing an extra $ 1 . 7 million haystack in which to search for the poisoned needle of mathematically - abstruse , systemic risk for each and every , readily - valued , new ounce of metal brought laboriously up from the stygian gloom and into the broad light of day 還有一點也要引起重視,衍生品市場的名義凈持倉已增加到了500萬億美金以上,這相當于在價值170萬美元的干草堆中尋找每一根針鼻那么大的金子,也就是不辭辛勞、苦苦搜索那每一盎司新開采出來的黃金,這些玩意兒被人們從黑暗的地獄中找出來,現如今終于來到光天化日之下。 |
Among the holy grails his team is chasing are a potential billionfold improvement in present - day calorimetry , which would allow observation of the individual heat quanta being exchanged as nanodevices cool , and a potential quadrillion - fold increase in the sensitivity of magnetic resonance imaging , which would enable complex biomolecules to be visualized with three - dimensional atomic resolution 他的團隊追求的圣杯之一,是讓現有量熱器靈敏10億倍,藉以量測奈米元件冷卻時釋放的一個個熱量子;另一個圣杯是靈敏千兆倍的磁共振成像,三維的解析度可達原子大小,藉以觀測復雜的生物分子。 |
The technique is so sensitive that it can detect a single radioactive carbon atom hiding among a quadrillion ( one million billion ) ordinary ones 這項技術非常敏感,甚至能夠在十的十五次方(一千萬億)個普通碳原子中找到一個放射性碳原子。 |
Lemaire then took just over a minute to identify two quadrillion , 397 trillion , 207 billion , 667 million , 966 thousand , 701 as the 13th root 而勒麥爾只用了一分多鐘的時間就算出了這一長串數字的13次方根,答案是2397207667966701 。 |
Building the brain ' s neural network ? a trillion ( 1012 ) neurons connected by 10 quadrillion ( 1016 ) synapses ? is a daunting task 建構腦的神經網絡是項驚人的任務: 1016個突觸,是由1012個神經元連接而成的。 |