
qmc Q.M.C. = Quartermaster Corps...


In the part of communication board design , we foucs on e1 communication board because of its importance in the telecommunication . we compare the connection and the time - squence between the pins of e1 interface chip and the ones of self - define slot , and then introduce the software implementation based on qmc protocol 在通信模塊設計中,著重討論了e1模塊設計。我們比較了e1接口芯片與插槽管腳間的連接關系、時序關系,從而完成了硬件部分設計。在驅動程序部分中,介紹了基于qmc的軟件實現。

It is just the difficulty that the strongly correlated electron systems can not be studied by analytical methods , a variety of simulative numerical methods come out sequentially . there are a few typical methods such as the exact diagonalization ( ed ) , the qutum monte carlo ( qmc ) , the variation monte carlo ( qmc ) , the renormalization group ( rg ) , and the density matrix renormalization group ( dmrg ) and so on 正是強關聯系統遇到了解析研究的困難,各種數值模擬方法才相繼出現,最典型的數值方法有:嚴格對角化( ed ) ,量子蒙特卡洛( qmc )模擬、變分蒙特卡洛模擬( vmc ) 、數值重整化群( rg )以及密度矩陣重整化群( dmrg )等。

A standard joint development process with standardized processes for communication and control has been developed by the german car industry with their supplier under the guidance of vda - qmc 在vda - qmc的指導下,德國汽車工業與他們的供應商共同開發出了一個聯合開發標準,該過程有交流和控制的標準過程。

For quality department managers and auditors this course is a sheer must . the accompanying vda - qmc publication will be available in chinese before the course and is recommended as a pre - reading 質量部門經理和審核員必須參加此培訓。我們推薦相應的vda - qmc中文出版物作為課程前期閱讀。

Vda - qmc offers a combined workshop to enhance the competence in product liability and its relation to the quality management system 德國汽車工業聯合會質量管理中心可以提供一個將如何提高產品可靠性的競爭力和產品可靠性與質量管理體系關系結合起來的培訓。

Survey analysis on the quality of the graduates of qmc 我院畢業生質量調查結果分析