
pyracantha n.【植物;植物學】火棘屬植物;歐洲火棘 (fireth...


In the natural condition , the following five stages are the plant restoration and succession process of luota : populus adenopoda shrub forest , rhus chinensis , pyracantha fortweana shrub forest , liquidambar formosana , corizria sinica forest , pinus massoniana , carpinus rurczaninowii forest , karst evergreen - deciduous forest 只有少數林窗存在。自然恢復林在植被恢復程度上遠不如喀斯特常綠落葉林,只在密閉的灌木叢中分布著少許高大的喬木。

Effects of pyracantha syrup on the indexes related to lesion induced by arsenic poisoning in mice 火棘果汁干預砷中毒小鼠肝功能損害指標的變化

Study on extraction of red pigment from wild pyracantha fortuneana fruit 野生火棘果中紅色素的提取研究

Processing technique of beverage on pyracantha fortuneana 火棘飲料加工技術