
pyongyang n.平壤〔朝鮮民主主義人民共和國首都〕。


My work in pyongyang is to give lessons and answer the question 我在平壤的工作就是講課和回答問題。

Pyongyang university of mechancial engineering 平壤機械大學

Pyongyang is reportedly denounced us leaders as war mongers 據報道,平壤譴責美國領導人是戰爭商人。

Pyongyang sunan international airport , fnj 平壤順安國際機場

Pyongyang missed the deadline , however 但平壤沒有履行諾言。

Could you let me know how i can buy a ticket to pyongyang 你能不能告訴我哪兒能買到去平壤的車票?

The last stop visited in the morning is the subway of pyongyang 上午觀光的最后一站是平壤市地鐵。

Pyongyang mysteriously - shaped stone exhibition 平壤賞石展示館

June 15 , 2000 , the noth - south summit was held in pyongyang 2000年6月15日,南北首腦會談在平壤舉行

The highest building of pyongyang is the liu s of 100 stories 平壤最高的建筑為100層的柳京酒店。

The flight plan indicates their final destination is pyongyang 飛行計劃表明他們的目的地是平壤

The travel notes of pyongyang 平壤游記旅行記pyongyang travelogue

Your mom is from pyongyang , too , right 你媽媽也是從平壤來的吧?

Pyongyang and seoul made a joint statement 平壤和漢城發表聯合聲明

Your mission was to send us to pyongyang 你的任務是派遣我們去平壤

The guide says , is 220 kilometers from sinuiju to pyongyang 導游說,新義州至平壤有220公里。

Fuller details of the talks in pyongyang have not been disclosed 平壤會談的細節還沒有公布。

These are the fake coins gathered in pyongyang and hamheung 這些是從平壤和咸興收集來的假幣

The giant hotel of pyongyang where i live , ranks the second 我住的平壤大飯店,排名第二。