
pyelogram n.腎盂X線照片。


Results : 15 cases of patients were diagnosed as primary ureteral carcinoma by b - ultrasonography , intravenous pyelogram ( ivp ) , cystoscopy and retrograde urography , ct , mri , ureteroscopy before operation . all of the patients were proved to be transitional cell carcinoma by pathological examination after operation 結果:術前15例患者經b超、靜脈腎盂造影、膀胱鏡及逆行腎盂輸尿管造影、輸尿管鏡等檢查診斷為原發性檢尿管癌。

This intravenous pyelogram ( ivp ) of a normal urinary tract on the left demonstrates contrast filling the pelvis , ureter , and bladder 靜脈腎盂造影顯示正常泌尿道,可見腎盂、輸尿管和膀胱。