
putty n.1.油灰〔裝窗玻璃等用〕。2.(擦玻璃或金屬用的)去...

putty blower

What does it feel like to stand on stage , the light in your eyes and the audience like putty in your hands 站在臺上,眼中帶著自信的光芒,看著觀眾因為自己的一舉一動而瘋狂不已,這種感覺是怎樣的?

11 old bolt holes not re - used should be filled in with glue / resin / putty of a similar colour to the rock 11舊有錨栓留下來的洞口,應用和該處巖石色彩相似的黏膠、樹脂、補土加以補滿。

He molded the putty to his finger to create a three - dimensional copy of his fingerprint and ran it over the sensor 他將油灰壓到指頭上,制作出指紋的三維復制品,然后拿到感測器上。

Put putty into big pin marks . i also removed the partition lines with putty . it is hard to see though 在推出孔上填上補土,此外有不易被發現的空隙我也用補土把它填了。

A pure white grade of chalk that has been ground and washed for use in paints , ink , and putty 白堊粉,白粉一種碾碎的并洗過的純凈白堊,用于油漆、墨水和油灰

The name is a bit of a giveaway because , just as it sounds , silly putty wasn ' t invented on purpose 這個名字聽起來有點兒像贈品,因為它是人們無意中發明的。

Dwarf s body , weak as putty , in a whitelined deal box . burial friendly society pays 一副侏儒的身軀,油灰一般軟塌塌的,陳放在襯了白布的松木匣子里。

We recommend that you use a good telnet client such as the free putty see (我們建議您使用好的telnet客戶機,例如免費的putty (在下面的

Brings ' em right back to childhood . trust me , they ' re putty in your hands after that 把她帶回童年,相信我此后,一切都會易如反掌

Putty for interior 建筑室內用膩子

Gordon : that must take a long time . what do you use ? gel , hair putty or wax 戈登:一定花很長時間,你用發膠、發泥還是發蠟?

Putty for exterior wall 建筑外墻用膩子

Various colour alkyd putty 各色醇酸膩子

Tarnally dog gone my shins if this beent the bestest putties longbreakyet 媽的,我敢說這是最好的最開心的假日。

Putty for metal sash glazing 金屬窗鑲玻璃用膩子

Various colour epoxy ester putty 各色環氧酯膩子

Various colour nitrocellulose putty 各色硝基膩子

Waiter : well , then , its peach . the apple pie tastes like putty 侍者:噢,那是桃餡餅;蘋果餡餅的味道象油灰。

She was a woman of such beauty and charm that men were putty in her hands 她美艷絕倫,男人在她手心任其擺布