
pursue vt.1.追,追趕,追蹤;緊跟著,糾纏;【軍事】追擊。2...


I now found time to deal with several difficult questions which pursued me . 我現在騰出一些時間來處理幾個困擾著我的困難問題。

Don't be too eager in pursuing the person lest you create too high expectations . 不要過于急切追求此人,免得你對他期望過多。

The pattern is observable in most countries that have pursued such policies . 在大多數追隨這些政策的國家里可以看到這一模型。

Turn it over as jem would, he could not decide what was the best course to pursue . 杰姆左思右想,總是不能決定走那一條路好。

The stranger pursued his address to her without seeing to notice her surprise . 陌生人似乎沒有覺察到她的驚駭,一直說下去。

To pursue his secret has something of the fascination of a detective story . 探索他的秘密頗有些閱讀偵探小說的迷人勁兒。

They found a place wherein to pitch their tabernacle and pursue their fortune . 他們找到了一個可扎營并開拓財富的地方。

I am a beauty-merchant, a trader in song, and i pursue utility . 我是個販賣美的商人、推銷歌曲的賈客。我追求的是實效。

This search is pursued by woolf through extremes of exuberance and disgust . 沃爾夫追求于熱愛和憎恨兩個極端之間。

His wish was to see eleanor move so that he might pursue her . 他就希望看見愛莉娜走開,這樣他便可以去向她求婚了。

It is possible for us to pursue mobile warfare with the utmost efficiency . 我們有可能以最大的效率來進行運動戰。

They felt the only policy they could pursue was a military solution . 他們認為他們能夠推行的唯一政策是軍事解決。

He was not unlike a hurried animal, deftly pursued by hunter and hound . 他正象一只困獸,給獵人獵狗追得緊緊的。

A wise policy of “conciliation“ was pursued towards the conquered state . 被征服國家被施以明智的“懷柔政策。”

Ione felt that she only wounded nydia by pursuing the subject . 伊俄涅覺得繼續這話題只不過使尼狄亞傷心罷了。

If she fled to the uttermost parts of the earth i should pursue her . 任憑她逃到天涯海角,我也要窮追不舍。

If we faltered, they would pursue a course different from us . 如果我們遲疑不決,他們就會同我們分道揚鑣。

She had seen that look more than once, of late, pursuing her . 近來她已不止一次感到這樣的目光向她射來。

It is unnecessary to pursue this atom-by-atom survey further . 沒有必要繼續對各種原子逐一考察下去。