
purser n.(輪船、班機等的)事務長;〔古語〕(軍艦的)軍需官;...


As for construction enterprises , the organization which gain benefits by completing projects for others , the most efficient and practical action to emulate the advanced standard is to purser project management and use the theory , measure and system of project management to manage and control the undertaken projects , then attain the goal of organization by realizing the aim of projects 對于建筑施工企業這種以為他人完成項目而獲得收益的組織來說,向高標準看齊的最有效、最現實的舉措便是推行項目管理,運用項目管理的理論、方法、體系對所承建的工程項目進行管理與控制,通過實現項目的目標進而達到組織的目的。

With increasing of craft system ' s performance and complex of machinery in recent period , it is important content and purser of ship technical management that master craft system ' s state and diagnoses the fault and forecast latent fault in time 隨著現代船舶系統的日趨高性能化和結構復雜化,出于安全保障和經濟效益的考慮,及時準確和動態地掌握船舶系統的運行狀態以及預測、診斷潛在和存在的故障,成為船舶技術管理的重要內容和追求的目標。

I beg your pardon , said passepartout persistently . he is a tall gentleman , quiet and not very talkative , and has with him a young lady - there is no young lady on board , interrupted the purser “對不起, ”路路通堅持著說, “福克先生是一位紳士,個子很高,外表很冷靜,不大喜歡和別人交談,還有一位年輕的夫人陪著他”

Claude dessard , chief purser of the bretagne , a capable and meticulous man , ran , as what he was fond of saying , a “ tight ship “ 布列塔尼號的事務長克勞德迪薩精明強干,就象他自己常常自詡的那樣,把這條船管理得“井井有條” 。

Claude dessard , chief purser of the bretagne , a capable and meticulous man , ran , as what he was fond of saying , a “ tight ship “ 布列塔尼號的事務長克勞德?迪薩精明強干,就象他自己常常自詡的那樣,把這條船管理得“井井有條” 。

He descended to the saloon . mr fogg was not there . passepartout had only , however , to ask the purser the number of his master s state - room 這時路路通只有一個辦法,那就是去找船上的事務長,問他斐利亞福克先生住在幾號房艙。

The purser replied that he did not know any passenger by the name of fogg 但事務長回答說,他所知道的旅客,沒有一個人叫這個名字。

May i introduce myself , i ' m _ _ _ , the chief purser of this flight 請允許自我介紹。我叫_ _ _ ,本次航班的乘主任務長。

Claude dessard, chief purser of the bretagne, a capable and meticulous man, ran, as what he was fond of saying, a “tight ship“ . 布列塔尼號的事務長克勞德迪薩精明強干,就象他自己常常自詡的那樣,把這條船管理得“井井有條”。