
purl n.1.(溪水等的)潺潺聲。2.渦紋。vi.(溪水等)潺...


Or again , note the meanderings of some purling rill as it babbles on its way , fanned by gentlest zephyrs tho quarrelling with the stony obstacles , to the tumbling waters of neptune s blue domain , mid mossy banks , played on by the glorious sunlight or neath the shadows cast o er its pensive bosom by the overarching leafage of the giants of the forest . what about that , simon ? he asked over the fringe of his newspaper “再則,請注意那打著漩渦蜿蜒曲折地嘩嘩淌去的淚淚溪流與攔住去路的巖石搏斗,在習習西風輕拂下,沖向海神所支配的波濤洶涌的蔚藍領國;沿途,水面上蕩漾著燦爛的陽光,兩邊的堤岸爬滿青苔,森林中的巨樹那架成拱形的繁葉48 ,將蔭影投射于溪流那憂郁多思的胸脯上。

So he played a more coaxing game ; and while never going beyond words , or attempting the renewal of caresses , he did his utmost orally . in this way clare persistently wooed her in undertones like that of the purling milk - at the cow s side , at skimmings , at butter - makings , at cheese - makings , among broody poultry , and among farrowing pigs - as no milkmaid was ever wooed before by such a man 克萊爾仍然堅持不懈地向她求婚,他低聲求婚的聲音就像是牛奶汩汩流動的聲音在奶牛旁邊,在撇奶油的時候,在制作黃油的時候,在制作奶酪的時候,在孵蛋的母雞中間,在生產的母豬中間過去從來沒有一個擠奶姑娘被這樣一個男子求過婚。

They were never out of the sound of some purling weir , whose buzz accompanied their own murmuring , while the beams of the sun , almost as horizontal as the mead itself , formed a pollen of radiance over the landscape 他們所到之處,耳邊都是潺潺的流水聲,水聲同他們的喁喁低語交織在一起,而太陽的光線,差不多已經和草場平行,為四周的景色罩上了一層花粉似的光輝。

Manufacturing machinery : there are more than 500 machines , including flat purl machine , double needle machine , towel machine , silk stocking jacquard machine , flat purl silk stockings machine , fishnet socks machine 生產機器多至500臺,包括平板機雙針機毛巾機,大提花絲襪機平板絲襪機,網襪機。

“ in a minute , dear , “ said miss marple . “ i am afraid i have counted wrong . two purl , three plain , slip one , two purl - yes , that ' s right . what did you say , dear ? “等一會,親愛的, ”馬普爾小姐道, “我恐怕打錯了。兩反針、三平針,滑一針,兩反針… …是的,沒錯。你想說什么呢,親愛的? ”

Ethiopic scorchings browned the upper slopes of the pastures , but there was still bright green herbage here where the watercourses purled 像埃塞俄比亞的烈日一樣灼熱的太陽,曬黃了牧場斜坡頂上的青草,不過在流水潺潺的地方依然還是嫩綠的草地。

Irish by name and irish by nature , says mr stephen , and he sent the ale purling about . an irish bull in an english chinashop “名稱與產地均為愛爾蘭, ”斯蒂芬先生曰,并依次為眾人斟濃啤酒,一如闖入英國瓷器店中之一頭愛爾蘭公牛。

A purling brook 潺潺的溪流

Female artist purl , linda 女藝人蓮達保爾

Artist name : purl , linda 藝人名稱:蓮達保爾

Purl fabric links - iink fabric 采用雙反面組織的針織物

Am i supposed to sit home knitting and purling 我本來應該坐在家里織織毛衣

Am i supposed to sit home knitting and purling . . 我本來應該坐在家里織織毛衣