
puritanical adj.1.〔P-〕清教徒的;清教主義的。2.〔p-〕宗...


For example , look at the puritanical procureur , who has just lost his daughter , and in fact nearly all his family , in so singular a manner ; morcerf dishonored and dead ; and then myself covered with ridicule through the villany of benedetto ; besides “ - 舉例來說,看看那清正嚴謹的檢察官所遭遇的怪事,他雖然剛失去了他的女兒,而事實上他的全家幾乎都已經死光了,馬爾塞夫已經身敗名裂自殺身亡,而我因受貝尼代托的恥辱,而受盡人家的奚落。 ”

The youth of ' the roaring twenties ' abandoned the puritanical ways of the victorians and started to party again “喧囂的20年代”的年輕人摒棄了維多利亞女王時代的極端拘謹方式,又重新開始享樂。

Sure , i hate those puritanical buggers back home ? i hate ' em with all my guts 當然,我恨國內那伙拘謹的家伙,我打心里恨他們。