
purgatory adj.1.洗清的;凈化的。2.滌罪的。n.1.【天主教...


When i allow a person to take a photograph , i tell jesus to take one soul to heaven out of purgatory 當我允許一個人給我照相時,我告訴耶穌從煉獄中帶一個人去天堂。

The same indulgences were made applicable to the souls in purgatory by a rescript of january 10 , 1854 1854年1月10日文告內又宣布身處煉獄之靈魂亦可因之得全大赦。

I hope he is in purgatory now because he went to confession to father conroy on saturday night 但愿眼下他在煉獄里哪,因為星期六晚上他找康羅伊神父做過懺悔。

Everyone rejoices in the delights of this paradise , but i feel as if i am visiting purgatory 每個人都在享受著此處天堂般的欣喜,但是,我感覺似乎正在煉獄中。

Catholics , he tells us , held that ghosts came from purgatory and were actually souls of the departed 他說,天主教認為,鬼魂來自煉獄,是亡者的真正靈魂。

A beautiful woman is paradise for the eyes , hell for the soul , and purgatory for the purse 漂亮的女人是眼睛的天堂,靈魂的地獄,和口袋的贖罪所

A beautiful woman is paradise for the eyes , hell for the soul , and purgatory for the purse 美貌女子是眼睛的天堂、靈魂的地獄和錢包的煉獄。

A beautiful woman is paradise for the eyes , hell for the soul , and purgatory for the purse 漂亮的女人是眼睛的天堂、靈魂的地獄、錢包的煉獄。

Now that the producers have said it ' s not purgatory , do you have a new theory 現在制作人已經否認了這個說法,那你有什么新的猜想了嗎?

Welcome to purgatory 歡迎來到煉獄

England is the paradise of women , the hell of horse , and the purgatory of servant 英國是女人的天堂,馬的地獄,奴仆的煉獄。

Purgatory jump games 笨鼠過河小游戲

4455 purgatory jump games 更多同類游戲

A woman in purgatory 一個受難中的女人

Resembles the purgatory tower 很像煉獄塔

Purgatory ? not to heaven 煉獄?不是天堂?

Purgatory jump introduction 煉獄跳躍游戲攻略

He ' s so impatient that waiting in a queue is sheer purgatory for him 他毫無耐性,對他來說排隊等候完全是活受罪

Purgatory has an end to it 煉獄還有終止的一天