
purgation n.1.洗清,凈化。2.滌罪,洗罪。3.(吃瀉藥)通便。...


For example , “ slow rubbing is used to invigorate ; quick rubbing to purge ” ; in the operation on the lower abdomen region , clockwise rubbing can have the effect of removing stagnant food in the intestines and relieving constipation by purgation ; counterclockwise rubbing can have the therapeutic effect of warming the middle - jiao to stop diarrhea and warming and recuperating the lower - jiao 例如, “緩摩為補,急摩為瀉” ;又如,在小腹部操作時,順時針方向摩運可通調腸腑積滯,其到瀉熱通便的作用;而逆時針方向摩運則能溫中止瀉,發揮溫補下元的功效。

Boyu hotel articles co . , ltd located in yiwu that distribuing of biggest commodity marker inthe world , mainlg textile produces and manages articles used in totel , including purgation articles scutcheon wastebin topgrade luggage barrow dring barron so on a scrics of metal articles 波宇賓館酒店用品有限公司坐落在中國最大的小商品集散地-義烏,是一家專業生產“波宇”牌賓館酒店紡織用品及經營賓館酒點清潔用品、標牌、垃圾桶、高檔行李車、酒水車等一系列鈦金制品酒店用品。

Experimental study on effect of prescription with reinforcing the kidney and activating circulation , purgation , inducing resuscitation and activating circulation on neuropeptide and monoamine nervous transmitter in aged rats with gastrointestinal tract injury and brain ischemia 補腎活血、瀉下及開竅活血方藥對腦缺血胃腸損傷老齡大鼠神經肽和單胺神經遞質的影響。

Architecture and sanitary ceramics are sanitation purgation facilities mostly used in toilet and kitchen , comfortable , perfect toilet and kitchen is indispensability parts of modern construction 建筑衛生陶瓷是主要用于衛生間和廚房的衛生清潔用設備,舒適、完美的衛生間和廚房是現代建筑物不可缺少的部分。

Cases of inflammatory bowel obstruction in initial stage after abdominal operation treated by retention enema with fluid - increasing decoction for purgation 增液承氣湯保留灌腸治療腹部術后早期炎性腸梗阻28例28

Treatment of 40 cases of hyperhyaluronemia due to liver cirrhosis by combination of drugs for heat - reducing , purgation , resolving and tonification 清下消補4法聯用治療肝硬化高水平透明質酸血癥40例臨床觀察

Clinical examination of the method of eliminating the turbid by purgation in the treatment of 130 cases of ischemic apoplexy 通腑瀉濁法治療缺血性中風130例臨床觀察

Contraindications of diaphoresis purgation and moistening in case of damp warm disease and its clinical application in pediatric 濕溫汗下潤忌宜及兒科臨床

Often exorcisms and purgations were performed with much noise as if to scare away the evil spirits 通常驅邪與滌罪儀式都伴有響鬧聲,用以嚇跑亡靈。

Experience of constipation treated by point application with purgation paste of chinese medicine 中藥通便膏敷貼穴位治療便秘經驗

Analysis and clinical application of diaphoresis , vomiting and purgation needling methods 下針刺手法剖析與臨床應用

Experience of zhang qi ' s purgation to treat difficult and miscellaneous diseases 張琪教授運用通法治療疑難病的經驗

Application of method of purgation in imminent and severe diseases 論通里瀉下法在急重病證中的運用

Elementary introduction to clinical application of warm purgation 淺淡溫下法的臨床運用