
pure adj.1.純的,純粹的;清一色的 (opp. mixe...

pure bred

The government's explanation of the affair was just pure whitewash . 政府對這次事件的解釋純屬掩飾錯誤。

Titanium in the pure state can exist in either of two allotropic forms . 純鈦以兩種同素異形的形式存在。

He is pure in heart . 他心靈純潔。

He is pure of heart . 他心靈純潔。

He would never base his standard of values on pure being . 他從不把他的價值標準建筑在純粹的存在之上。

He wanted to fill his soul's lungs with the pure radiance . 他盼望那純凈的光輝能夠灑遍他的靈魂深處。

God is pure spirit . 上帝純粹是神靈。

Ours is not a pure price economy but a mixed economy . 我們的經濟不是純粹的價格經濟,而是混合經濟。

This verifies the equivalence of pure shear and simple shear . 這就證明了線剪切與簡單剪刀的等價性。

As he spoke, margaret played a stroke of pure genius . 他在講話時,瑪格麗特作了一個甚為得體的動作。

The stoichiometric coefficients are pure numbers with no units . 化學計量系數是沒有單位的純數字。

He had espoused the joint use of analysis and pure geometry . 他贊成聯合運用解析幾何與純粹幾何。

His motives were pure . 他的動機很單純。

In short, all his rationalizing had been pure bullshit . 總而言之,他的一切自我開脫純粹是胡扯。

She is pure and ethereal . 她很純潔、超脫。

The smart few were pure french top to toe . 為數不多的幾個灑脫超群的是徹頭徹尾的純種法國人。

Everything existed in the shadow world of pure theory . 一切事情都處于純理論的朦朧狀態之中。

The reason for the change is lack of money , pure and simple . 進行更改的原因就是缺少經費。

They met by pure accident . 他們純粹偶然相見。