
purchasable adj.1.可買的;買得起的,能買到的。2.可以收買的。


But since the consequences of poverty are related to powerlessness , not to the absolute supply of money available to the poor , and since the amount of power purchasable with a given supply of money decreases as a society acquires a larger supply of goods and services , the solution of raising the incomes of the poor is likely , unless accompanies by other measures , to be ineffective in a wealthy society 但是,既然貧窮與窮人可得到的貨幣絕對供應量無關,而是無權力所造成的,既然用一定量的貨幣所能購買的權力量隨著一個社會獲得的商品和服務量的增加而下降,那么提高窮人收入的解決辦法在一個富裕社會很可能不會奏效,除非同時采取其他的措施。

But since the consequences of poverty are related to powerlessness , not to the absolute supply of money available to the poor , and since the amount of power purchasable with a given supply of money decreases as a society acquires a larger supply of the poor is likely , unless accompanied by other measures , to be ineffective in a wealthy society 但是,既然貧窮與窮人可得到的貨幣供應量無關,而是不擁有權利所造成,既然一定量貨幣可購買的權利量由于社會獲得的商品和服務增加而下降,那么提高窮人收入這一解決辦法在一個富裕社會很可能沒有效果,除非同時采取其他措施。

A : the season 2 items will be priced the same as season 1 is now , and the season 1 items are moving to the honor system , purchasable with honor points and battleground marks 答:競技2季的物品將降到原來競技1季物品的價格,同時,競技1季的物品被移動到榮譽系統,可以通過榮譽和戰場徽章購買。

Key stage relevant links , purchasable educational resources and guidance on preparation for tests and exam -提供各種留學信息以及文書寫作,考試指導的留學中介

With specified beneficiary and not negotiable , but re - purchasable by the bank 設有特定受益人及不可轉讓,唯銀行可以回購

Steel plate purchasable if so purchase price and delivery time expect 能否購得鋼板?若可能,約何時發貨,價格如何?