
purcell n.珀塞爾〔姓氏〕。


The niaid ' s dr . robert purcell and colleagues made a synthetic antibody - an immune system protein that recognizes and helps neutralize invaders such as viruses 為了改善這一局面,美國國家過敏及傳染性疾病研究所的羅伯特珀塞爾和同事們研制出了一種合成抗體。

1695 henry purcell , english composer , died in london from tuberculosis 英國作曲家亨利?普賽爾因患肺結核在倫敦病逝。

Same here , thomas . dr keyes . - i know . tom purcell -我也是,凱斯博士-我知道,湯姆普瑟

The nobel prize in physics 1952 : edward mills purcell 諾貝爾物理學獎-愛德華玻塞爾