pupate vi.【動物;動物學】化蛹。n.-pation
vi. 【動物;動物學】化蛹。 n. -pation “pupated larvae“ 中文翻譯: 蛹期幼蟲“pupat“ 中文翻譯: 皮帕“pupation“ 中文翻譯: 化蛹; 蛹化“puparium“ 中文翻譯: 圍蛹; 蛹殼“pupation hormone“ 中文翻譯: 化蛹激素; 蛹化激素“puparev“ 中文翻譯: 普帕列夫“pupation rate“ 中文翻譯: 化蛹率“pupalparasite“ 中文翻譯: 蛹期的寄生天敵“pupatti“ 中文翻譯: 普帕蒂“pupala“ 中文翻譯: 普帕拉
pupil |
Botflies ( such as the one featured in these photos , the human botfly , or dermatobia hominis , commonly found from central mexico through to central america and south america ) are one of a number of insect species that lay their eggs on the exterior of other living creatures ( usually mosquitoes or flies ) ; when the eggs hatch , the larvae burrow into their “ hosts “ to feed ( breathing through the small burrow holes ) until they emerge to pupate into mature adult botflies 上面的相來自洪都拉斯共和國一個偏僻的地區,一名五歲小孩患了內眼窩腫脹,由一隊空軍流動眼外科醫療隊拖手術時拍下.一個后期的馬蠅幼蟲的呼吸孔道被發現于前眼窩. (馬蠅主要生活于墨西哥中部以及中南美洲) ?們于其他動物身上產卵,當卵孵化時,幼蟲就會穿入寄居體內(由小呼吸孔道呼吸) ,吸取營養直到成蟲 |
The parasitized larvae had consumed more food than the healthy ones , but the former could not pupate 被寄生的幼蟲取食量較未被寄生的顯著增加,但均不能正常化蛹。 |