
punishable adj.該罰的;可受懲罰的。adv.-bly


However , the frankfurt prosecutor added that under germany ' s new law on investor protection , which took effect last october , such trades could in the future be punishable 但該法蘭克福檢察官補充說,根據德國去年10月份開始生效的、有關投資人保護的新法律,這種交易今后可能會受到懲罰。

Specific and suitable measures both punishable and educational shall be taken for the rehabilitation of such female criminal and also for the prevention of female crime in university 大學生就業的社會保護性政策的踐踏、文化逆流的腐蝕、家庭及學校教育的偏失便是客觀原因的具體體現。

In order to reform those criminals who have committed crimes punishable by death but who may still be reformable , china has created a unique system of a death penalty with a two - year reprieve 為了改造那些犯有死罪但還有可能改造的罪犯,中國獨創了判處死刑緩期二年執行的制度。

The pakistani government has declared honor killings a crime punishable by death . it has also taken steps to protect women who marry against their parents ' wishes 巴基斯坦政府已經宣布以榮譽而死為目的的殺戮將被處以死刑,并且也已采取措施保護那些違背父母包辦婚姻的婦女。

In 1984 the u . s . government enacted the trademark counterfeiting act and made counterfeiting of products a criminal offense punishable by fines and jail terms 原譯文: 1984年,美國政府頒布了《反商標偽造法》 ,增加了將偽造產品的行為定為可以罰款或監禁的犯罪行為的條款。

The pakistani government has declared honor killings a crime punishable by death . it has also taken steps to protect women who marry against their parents ' wishes 巴基斯坦的政府聲稱以榮譽而犧牲將處以死刑罪。他們已經進一步的保護那些與不是父母希望的對象結婚的婦女。

The pakistani government has declared honor killings a crime punishable by death . it has also taken steps to protect women who marry against their parents ' wishes 巴基斯坦政府申明對罪已致死的犯人執行死刑是值得尊敬的。這已經開始去保護違背父母意愿而結婚的婦女。

Council considered whether discretion to waive means test should be extended from “ capital offences “ to other serious criminal offences punishable by life sentence 本局考慮了這項豁免經濟審查的酌情權應否由“死刑罪行”擴大至可判處終身監禁的其他嚴重刑事罪行。

Failure to comply with the notices constitutes an offence punishable by a fine of hk $ 200 , 000 and hk $ 500 , 000 respectively and imprisonment of up to 12 months 雇主如未能遵從通知書的規定,即屬犯罪,可分別處以罰款港幣200 , 000元和500 , 000元,以及監禁長至12個月。

Any person convicted of the offence of conspiracy to defraud ( under the common law and punishable under the crimes ordinance ) is liable to imprisonment for 14 years 任何人干犯串謀行騙罪行而一經定罪(根據普通法和《刑事罪行條例》罰則) ,可判處入獄14年。

The pakistani government has declared honor killings a crime punishable by death . it has also taken steps to protect women who marry against their parents ' wishes 巴基斯坦政府宣布將以榮譽為名的殺戮為定為死罪,并開始著手保護那些違背父母意愿結婚的女子。

The pakistani government has declared honor killings a crime punishable by death . it has also taken steps to protect women who marry against their parents ' wishes 巴基斯坦政府宣稱殺害背叛家庭的婦女被處以死刑,政府還采取步驟保護違背父母結婚意見的婦女。

Any person convicted of the offence of conspiracy to defraud under the common law and punishable under the crimes ordinance is liable to imprisonment for 14 years 任何人干犯串謀行騙罪行而一經定罪(根據普通法和《刑事罪行條例》罰則) ,可判處入獄1 4年。

The pakistani government has declared honor killings a crime punishable by death . it has also taken steps to protect women who marry against their parents ' wishes 巴基斯坦宣布“榮譽謀殺”是犯罪,可處以死刑;也采取了一些步驟來保護反抗包辦婚姻的婦女。

Under iran ' s islamic law , murder , rape , robbery , adultery and drug trafficking are punishable by death . the sentences are usually carried out by hanging 根據伊朗的伊斯蘭法律,謀殺、強奸、搶劫、通奸以及販毒等罪行可判處死刑。死刑通常都以絞刑執行。

It is not clear when or if thailand plans to unblock the site . offending the monarch is a crime in thailand punishable by up to 15 years in prison 目前還不清楚泰國何時或是否會解除對網站的封鎖。在泰國,侮辱國王是一種罪行,最多可判刑15年。

All would await trial for a crime punishable by death in 17th - century new england , the practice of witchcraft 在17世紀的新英格蘭(當時美國還是殖民地)所有人都在等待著一個對犯罪具有懲罰性的死罪審判,這是對巫術的一種常規做法。

It is a crime for dogs to mate within 500 yards of a church . breaking this law is punishable by a fine of $ 500 and / or six months in prison 狗只在教堂方圓500碼內交配是犯罪行為。違反這一法律將被處以500美元罰鍰和/或坐牢6個月。

The rules of hudud identify punishable crimes , the types of witnesses needed to convict someone of a crime , and the punishments for various crimes Hudud規則辨認該罰的罪行類型證人必要判罪某人罪行,和處罰因為各種罪行。