
punctual adj.1.嚴守時刻的,不誤期限的,準時的,如期的;準確...


The over - punctual can be as much a trial to others as the unpunctual 早到的人同遲到的人一樣令人討厭。

We can not guarantee the punctual arrival of planes in foggy weather 我們不能保證飛機在霧天正點到達。

He is always punctual for appointments 他總是準時赴約。

C . both of you are equally punctual 你們倆人都同樣準時。

We can not guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather 霧天我們不能擔保火車準時到達。

A : should a chauffeur always be punctual 司機應該守時嗎?

Because we are very particular about punctual . did you say gate 67 因為我們需要非常守時.你說67號門

We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather 我們不能保證火車在霧天正點到達

1 . make punctual payment for membership fee 1按時繳納會費。

We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in fogy weather 霧天我們不能保證火車準時到達。

Oh , the ever - punctual mr . weaseley 哦,永遠準時的威斯利先生

Please press them for punctual shipment 請催促他們按時裝運。

We wish to remind you of the importance of punctual shipment 我們愿提醒你方準時裝船的重要性。

We should try to be punctual forever 我們應該盡量做到永遠守時。

You should guarantee punctual shipment of our ordered goods 你方應保證準時發運我方所訂貨物。

Interviewer : so , are you very punctual 招聘者:好吧,你很守時嗎?

You can ' t count on tom being punctual (你不要指望湯姆會守時。 )

A punctual person always finishes everything ahead of time 一個守時的人總是把事情提前做好。

She is always punctual , but her friend is always late 她總是很守時,可是她的朋友總是遲到。