
punctilio n.(pl. punctilios )1.(儀式等的)細...


All those wretched quarrels , in his humble opinion , stirring up bad blood - bump of combativeness or gland of some kind , erroneously supposed to be about a punctilio of honour and a flag - were very largely a question of the money question which was at the back of everything , greed and jealousy , people never knowing when to stop 據他的愚見,所有那些會激起敵意的無聊的爭吵都意味著代表斗志的乳突168或某種內分泌腺在作怪。人們錯誤地以為這就是為名譽啦國旗之類的細枝末節其實,鬧的主要是隱在一切事物背后的金錢問題:也就是貪婪與妒忌,人們永遠也不懂得及時善罷甘休。

In chapter four , in allusion to the character of electrohydraulic control system and of actual function , discuss and analyze modules “ punctilio , moreover complete effective modules “ codes by means of com 第四章具體研究了電液控制軟件平臺各模塊的構建方式及各模塊的功能。通過對不同模塊開發工具的性能分析和對不同模塊的特性分析,選取了合適的工具。

Then he went on to the front row and sat down beside dolohov , giving a friendly and careless nudge with his elbow to the man whom other people treated with such punctilio 然后他走到第一排,坐在多洛霍夫身旁,友善而隨便地用臂肘推了一下別人阿諛奉承的多洛霍夫。