
pulpit n.1.講道壇;〔the pulpit〕〔集合詞〕教士,...


He disappeared and after a while a janitor came , unlocked the gate and let us in . then he unlocked the front door and we stepped inside . it was a beautifully maintained church with wooden pews , platform and pulpit 接著他便消失了,我不知道他到哪里去了,但過了一會,有一個看門人從教會里走出來,他打開門鎖,讓我們進去,馬田很開心,他走往前打開大門,我們一起走進去。

Though he was a stranger , occupying another s pulpit , he had felt this to be his duty , and took for his text the words from st luke : thou fool , this night thy soul shall be required of thee 雖然他是一個外來牧師,占據的是別人的講壇,但是他還是覺得他有責任勸導勸導他,于是他就引用圣徒路加的話作了自己布道的題目: “無知的人吶,今夜必要你的靈魂! ”

The priest wore an explorer ' s boots and helmet , and a rough linen cassock darned in square patches like a sail , and he spoke at the same time that the baby cried and always as if he were in the pulpit 教士穿著探險者穿的那種靴子,戴著一頂遮陽帽,穿著一件像船帆一樣帶著方形補丁的黑色長袍,孩子一直哭,他一直在說,好像他是站在布道壇上一樣。

George bush may occupy the most powerful bully pulpit in the world , but so far he is making little or no headway in selling his latest policy , sending more troops to iraq 喬治?布什可以占據全天下最強大,最霸道的講壇[ 1 ] ,但是在推銷自己最新政策(派遣更多的部隊進駐伊拉克)這方面,到目前為止,他的進展可謂是微乎其微,幾近沒有。

If grasped , they can turn into dreams and then god is in it and your life becomes a glorious god - thing . that is what happened to me one day as i was walking down these pulpit steps after a worship service 意念要臨到你,要臨到我們每一個,若抓緊它們,它們能變為夢想,讓神介入其中,你的生命就會變成屬神的榮耀的生命。

Behind the pulpit on the wall was a large gold cross and three large gold chinese letters on either side . and i said to martin , “ what do those letters say ? “ and martin replied , “ they say , 這是間很美的教會,木做的長椅講臺和講壇,在講壇后的墻壁上掛著大型十字架和幾個中文字,我問馬田那些字是甚么意思。

My mission was to build a church that could change the world ! i wear a medallion only on sunday mornings , in this pulpit . it is engraved with a prayer i wrote and i read every time i put it on , 本周我收到他親筆寫來的信,他看到我在電視節目上提到他我們寄給他一卷錄影帶,我想我會邀請他來,我想他考慮一下

And one of the first things i did when i got back i listened to the terrific sermon that was preached in this pulpit seven days ago by my son , robert anthony . and this place was , it was wonderful , robert 真的,過去數周我到了世界不同地方,回來后我做的第一件事,就是聽小兒安珀七天前在這兒的精彩講道。

In due course the superintendent stood up in front of the pulpit , with a closed hymn - book in his hand and his forefinger inserted between its leaves , and commanded attention 等到一定的時候,校長在布道臺前面站了起來,他手里拿著一本合上的圣詩,食指夾在書頁中間,叫大家靜下來,聽他講道。

He walked up into the pulpit and behind him was the gold cross with the bottom of the cross coming just above the top of martin s head and the chinese letters , “ god loves everyone . 他便走上講壇,我替他拍照,還有他背后的金色十字架,他的頭頂正是十字架的底部,還有那些中國字神愛世人。

Well , the following sunday morning in church , pastor dad was in the pulpit and as the service began he asked , “ does anybody have a testimony or want to say anything ? 在下一個周日清晨的教堂中,牧師老爸正在講道臺上要開始主持禮拜,他問說有人想要分享見證嗎?或是有什麼話想說的呢?

And on december 19 the storm struck and he saw to his shock that the whole plaster wall behind the pulpit had gotten so soaked with water and it fell and it was a big mess 日,暴風雨來臨,看到講臺后面的墻壁上一大片灰泥因濕透而剝落。他大吃一驚,那里簡直是一團糟,灰泥破洞約有

Then in dr . peale s study dressing in the pulpit robe for the service , i saw a calendar on the wall . on the calendar was a line and i ve used it ever since 有一天在皮爾博士的辦公室,我看到日歷上有一句話。雖不曉得作者是誰,但我經常引用。

What a sermon . divided into four hundred and ninety parts , each fully equal to an ordinary address from the pulpit , and each discussing a separate sin 什么樣的一篇講道呀,共分四百九十節,每一節完全等于一篇普通的講道,每一節討論一種罪過!

More than once , mr . dimmesdale had gone into the pulpit , with a purpose never to come down its steps , until he should have spoken words like the above 丁梅斯代爾先生不止一次在登上布道壇時打定主意,不把上述這番話說出來,就不再走下來。

Just imagine if you asked one of your pastors to stand here in this pulpit and he prayed : “ dear god , would you please bless me , a lot , in jesus name 可否想像,若今天早上牧師這樣禱告?他說:親愛的主啊,請你賜福與我,奉主名求,阿們。

Canst thou deem it , hester , a consolation , that i must stand up in my pulpit , and meet so many eyes turned upward to my face , as if the 我不得不站在布道壇上,迎著那么多仰望著我的面孔的眼睛,似乎我臉上在發散天國之光!

“ my finger , pointed at this man , would have hurled him from his pulpit into a dungeon - thence , peradventure , to the gallows ! “我的手指指著他,只消一動,就可以把他從布道壇上拋到牢獄中去甚至還會把他拋到絞刑架上! ”

Churches around virginia tech were packed sunday as students and residents turn to the pulpit for guidance and reassurance 周日,弗吉尼亞理工大學附近的教堂都擠滿了人,學生和平民走上講壇,前來尋求心靈的指引和慰藉。