
pullman n.普爾曼〔姓氏〕。


Pullman was farsighted enough to foresee the formation of a company which would build and own a fleet of such cars to run over all the railways of the united states , the railways being paid a rental for including the cars in their trains , and pullman ' s company repaying itself the cost of building , staffing and servicing the cars by pocketing the supplementary fares which would by extracted for their use 具有先見之明的普爾曼已預見到了這種公司模式,即組建并擁有一支掛車車隊在全美的鐵路線上運營,鐵路公司因其火車上被加掛了普式車廂而獲得租金,而普氏公司則可以從附加票價所獲得的收益中提取費用,用來抵償其在建造車廂,人員工資,以及車廂維護方面所花費的成本。

In 1998 , kate returned to american shores in the film brokedown palace , with claire danes and bill pullman , and starred in the indie films shooting fish and the last days of disco , co - starring chlo ? sevigny Kate beckinsale雖然外表斯文,不過原來她發起爛渣來絕對不好惹,日前她向傳媒自曝,早年她因十分憎恨某位導演,曾經往該導演注滿咖啡的熱水瓶中撒尿,簡直真人不露相!

Pullmans were hauling them to and fro about the land , papers were greeting them with interesting mentions , the elegant lobbies of hotels and the glow of polished dining - rooms were keeping them close within the walled city 頭等臥車拉著他們在國內到處跑,報紙刊登有趣的新聞向他們表示歡迎,旅館里雅致的門廳和明亮的餐廳里的一片燈火輝煌將他們緊緊地圍在禁城之中。

The 41 - pound animal , nicknamed bailey , lost her chewing teeth when struck by a car last week near lewiston , idaho , about 30 miles southeast of pullman . a retired idaho fish and game agent brought the injured beaver to the wsu college of veterinary medicine 上個星期,貝莉在愛達荷州的劉易斯頓附近被一輛小汽車撞傷,并因此喪失了4顆用來咀嚼食物的牙齒。

“ first call for dinner in the dining - car , “ a pullman servitor was announcing , as he hastened through the aisle in snow - white apron and jacket “餐車第一次叫吃晚飯, ”車上的一個侍者穿著雪白的圍裙和短上衣,一邊喊一邊匆匆地穿過車廂的走道。

The 41 - pound animal , nicknamed bailey , lost her chewing teeth when struck by a car last week near lewiston , idaho , about 30 miles southeast of pullman 上個星期,貝莉在愛達荷州的劉易斯頓附近被一輛小撞傷,并因此喪失了4顆用來咀嚼的牙齒。

On an incoming vestibuled pullman , speeding at forty miles an hour through the snow of the evening , were three others , all related 冒著這天晚上的風雪,以小時英里的速度,向紐約開來的一列普爾門式臥鋪客車上,還有三個相關的人物。

O that be damned for a story , mr dedalus said . pullman car and saloon diningroom . - a poor lookout for corny , mr power added “那可是個奇妙的主意, ”迪達勒斯先生說, “再掛上一節軟臥和高級餐車。 ”

Pullman is now looking for a team of men and women to deliver its unique message and service to guests 鉑爾曼正招募一支能向客人傳遞這種獨特信息和服務的團隊。

In the pullman area , it is illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while sitting on the curb 在普爾曼地區,坐在路邊喝從酒桶里接下來的啤酒是違法的。

Male artist pullman , bill 男藝人標布文

Artist name : pullman , bill 藝人名稱:標布文

He bought two tickets and pullman berths 他買了兩張車票加頭等臥鋪票。

There is no smug pullman attached to the train . 這列客車上沒有掛上豪華的高級臥鋪車廂。

Nobody regards pullman as a real home . 沒有一個人把普爾曼城看成是自己真正的家。