
puissance n.〔詩,古〕力,權力,威力,勢力,精神。


By analyzing the puissance , experience , body and happiness language , i find that the really meaning of the female fashionable periodical is a kind of contradictive expression . it is a sign of status , but also is a reversed discrimination ; it wants be out of the traditional culture , but also in it ; elegant feminine temper is also in the charge of the masculine society ; happiness is based on the expenditure of body and substance . now the contradictive expression of feminine language is becoming the most important problem in the development of the female fashionable periodical 筆者通過對女性時尚期刊權力、經驗、身體、快樂話語的解構和分析,發現女性時尚期刊的表達陷入了一定的話語矛盾和困境:是身份認同的標志,卻又隱含著反向歧視;經驗話語的“反文化”表達,實質上是建立在“泛文化”基礎上對傳統文化的部分回歸;優雅可人的女性氣質,說到底卻帶著男性規訓的深深烙印;快樂話語的傳播,是以對消費主義的追隨和女性身體的消費為前提的。

Studying the archaeological data and historical documents , the author finds out that falchion with short hilt , falchion with winding head , huge ye - tomahawk , and dustpan - shaped vessel are used in ceremonies , which reflects the owner ' s social class and puissance 摘要結合現代考古資料與古代文獻,對青銅短柄翹首刀、卷首刀、大鉞和箕形器進行類比分析,發現它們在商代是顯示其所有者社會地位和權勢的儀杖器。

Now that the iraqi debacle has made american puissance look rather less hyper , mr sarkozy can afford to treat the chastened superpower with magnanimity 由于陷入伊戰泥潭,美國的強權不再那么超級了,薩科奇現在可以對這個一蹶不振的超級大國寬宏大量一點了。