
puffer n.1.吹氣的人[物]。2.瞎吹亂夸的人。3.拍賣行的囮...


Compared with other species of takifugu genus , all had same the chromosomal number , so it was easy to produce hybrid puffer , while the karyotype formula and nf varied from species to species 分析了其消化系統的功能適應性,嗅覺器官的物種特點,腎臟的功能,同時發現腸長對體重的影響比體長顯著。

There is also an interest in sea horses , puffers , clown fish and other salty types with shapes more strange and colors brighter than even the showiest of fresh - water fish 甚至某些人對海馬、海豚、小丑魚,以及其它比絢麗的淡水魚外形更加奇特、顏色更加耀眼的海水魚特別感興趣。

Based on the above results , the jiangsu provincial local standard db32 / t 539 - 2002 ( captive obscure puffer ) was enacted the above results will boost cultivation of takifugu obscurus 在上述研究成果的基礎上制定了江蘇省地方標準db32 t539 ? 2002 ( 《家化暗紋東方? 》 ) 。

Shantou dasong machinery co . , ltd . is an enterprise specialized in making canning machine , puffer food machine and machine for small pack of foodstuffs 汕頭市大松機械有限公司是生產罐頭機械,膨化機械,小食品類包裝機的專業企業。

Merrell dow inc . is so sure its nicorette gum will help puffers kick the weed , it has launched a $ 300 , 000ad campaign to promote it 梅若道公司對他們的尼古丁口香糖能幫助癮君子戒煙極有把握,已展開耗資30萬元的廣告攻勢,推廣該項產品。

Any of various tropical marine fishes of the order tetraodontiformes or plectognathi , which includes the triggerfishes , puffers , and trunkfishes 固鱷類一種屬于?魚目或固鱷目的熱帶海洋魚,包括引金魚、河豚和箱

Puffer fish . an aquarium of death . i have yet to try this dangerous delicacy . i heard it ' s delicious 河豚。致命魚缸。我一定要嘗嘗這種危險的美味,聽說味道鮮美。

Technical specification for obscure puffer culture - part 3 : techniques in fry and juvenile rearing 暗紋東方?養殖技術規范第3部分:魚苗魚種培育技術

Technical specification for obscure puffer culture - part 2 : techniques in artificial propagation 暗紋東方?養殖技術規范第2部分:人工繁殖技術

Technical specification for obscure puffer culture - part 4 : techniques for culture of obscure puffer 暗紋東方?養殖技術規范第4部分:養成技術

Analysis of case of administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation on selling puffer 訴訟案件的分析與思考

Inspection of tetrodotoxin in puffer fish for import and export - elisa method 進出口河豚中河豚毒素檢驗方法elisa法

Technical specification for obscure puffer culture - part 1 : parent fish 暗紋東方?養殖技術規范第1部分:親魚

The puffers resources and its exploitation and development in china 我國河?魚資源及其開發利用

Polemount rotary puffer switches pad mount switches 柱上負荷開關:

Study on the safe edible of puffer fish resources 河豚魚的安全食用研究

Polyculture of puffer fish in shrimp ponds brings good results 對蝦池中混養河豚效果好

The most convenient and generally used device is a simple hand-held smoke puffer . 最方便和被廣泛采用的裝置是一種簡單的手提發煙器。