puff n.1.一吹[噴];噗的一吹[噴];一陣,一股(氣味、煙...
n. 1.一吹[噴];噗的一吹[噴];一陣,一股(氣味、煙霧等);吹[噴]的聲音;(煙等)一噴的分量。 2.噗的一聲臌脹起來;臌脹起來的東西[部份]。 3.被子;鴨絨被。 4. 夸獎,吹噓,自我宣傳。 5.粉撲〔又叫 powder-puff〕。 6.(奶油)松餅。 7.〔美俚〕廣告。 8.〔美俚〕向女性獻殷勤的人。 短語和例子a puff of the wind 一陣風。 get a good puff of one's book 著作大受稱贊。 newspaper puffs 報紙上的浮夸性廣告,吹捧性短文[書評等]。 vi. 1.噗噗地噴氣,噗噗地噴煙 (out up) 噗噗地噴著氣開動;喘氣;喘著氣走。 2.膨脹,噗地膨起 (up out)。 3.〔古語〕哼的一聲用鼻音應酬 (at) (拍賣時)把價錢哄抬上去。 puff and blow 喘氣。 puff away at one's cigar 一口口猛噴著雪茄煙。 puff out 喘著氣說;(煙)噗噗噗地噴。 The engine puffed out of the station. 火車頭噗噗地噴著氣駛出車站。 vt. 1.噴(煙等),噗噗地吹去(灰塵等)。 2.〔口語〕使喘氣。 3.使噗的一下膨起;使自滿,使得意 (up); 亂夸,瞎吹;(拍賣時)把(價錢)哄抬上去。 短語和例子puff out a candle 吹熄蠟燭。 I was frightfully puffed by the run. 我跑得氣都喘不過來了。 be puffed out [ up ] with self-importance 自以為了不起而擺架子。 -ing 1.n. 噗噗吹;夸獎;【拍賣】虛價。 2.adj. 亂夸獎的。 “puff-puff“ 中文翻譯: 噗噗〔煙等噴出聲〕;〔兒語〕火車頭。 “puff puff pass“ 中文翻譯: 傻人有傻福; 仙人跳“beancurd puff“ 中文翻譯: 豆腐泡兒“beef puff“ 中文翻譯: 牛肉餡餅“butter puff“ 中文翻譯: 奶油酥餅“chicken puff“ 中文翻譯: 雞粒千層酥“chromosomal puff“ 中文翻譯: 染色體疏松區,染色體膨突,染色體泡,染色體疏松; 染色體疏通區; 染色體脹泡,染色體疏松“chromosome puff“ 中文翻譯: 染色體泡; 染色體脹泡,染色體疏松“cocoa puff“ 中文翻譯: 可哥松餅; 可可氣古; 可可松餅“continuous puff“ 中文翻譯: 連續吸煙“corn puff“ 中文翻譯: 玉米松餅“cream puff“ 中文翻譯: 奶油餅; 奶油泡夫; 奶油松餅; 懦夫; 泡芙“flare puff“ 中文翻譯: 耀斑噴焰“furnace puff“ 中文翻譯: 爐膛爆音“give a puff“ 中文翻譯: 吹一口氣“gluten puff“ 中文翻譯: 烤夫“grand puff“ 中文翻譯: 小老頭“huff and puff“ 中文翻譯: 蒸氣吞吐“lemon puff“ 中文翻譯: 檸檬酥餅“orange puff“ 中文翻譯: 橙酥餅“peach puff“ 中文翻譯: 粉桃紅; 桃色“potato puff“ 中文翻譯: 洋山芋松餅“powder puff“ 中文翻譯: 1.粉撲〔搽粉用〕;〔轉義〕花花公子;〔美俚〕傻姑娘,淺薄無聊的女子;女性化的男子。 2.機靈的拳手;輕敲,輕打。 “powder-puff“ 中文翻譯: 機靈的拳擊手; 女子的,婦女的“puff adder“ 中文翻譯: 吹氣蝰,鼓腹巨蝰; 鼓腹毒蛇; 膨身蛇; 咝蝰“pufesti“ 中文翻譯: 普費什蒂
puff ball |
He leaned forward, judging the position of the lamp chimney by the heat on his face, and puffed out his cheeks to blow . 他探出身去,根據臉上受到的熱量來判斷燈罩的位置,并且鼓起雙頰準備把燈吹滅。 |
An old steam engine went slowly by, heading northeast, puffing great clouds of smoke and hauling a train of coal trucks . 一輛老式蒸汽機車噴著濃煙,拖著一節又一節的煤車緩慢地向東北方向開去。 |
He had had a fight the night before at a high-school dance and he was sore all over and his hands were puffed . 他昨天晚上在一個中學舉辦的舞會上打了一架,現在渾身酸疼,手也腫了。 |
He took a final puff at the clipped stub, and ground it out in practiced motions of the lifeless hand . 他把夾住的煙蒂吸了最后一口,然后用那只沒生命的假手熟練地把他捻熄。 |
By eleven o'clock the snow was falling heavily in big, soft puffs and the sky was not visible at all . 到十一點,大片輕軟的鵝毛大雪滿天飛舞,整個天空都看不見了。 |
He shook his head, lighted a cigarette, slowly breathed a great deep puff into her face . 他搖了搖頭,點上一支香煙,慢吞吞地向她臉上噴了深深的一大口煙。 |
He puffed his pipe and waved it at her. “i have had no instructions from the secretary. “ 他吸了一口煙,向她揮著煙斗說:“我沒有從國務卿那里得到指示。” |
A soft ripple of wind flowed over the corn and brought a puff of warm air into their faces . 柔和的微風吹過莊稼,一股熱氣向他們迎面撲來。 |
He paused for another puff from his cigarette and slipped into a more jocular tone again . 他又停下來吸了一口煙,重新改用較輕松的口吻。 |
She was no sooner gone but came a wench and a child, puffing and sweating . 她剛一走開,立刻就來了一個姑娘同一個小孩,喘著氣,流著汗。 |
We saw his lips were puffed both eyes were discolored, his face discolored and swollen . 我們看見他嘴唇腫起,兩眼充血,臉龐青腫。 |
In the first watch after the twilight, a faint puff of breeze came up out of the south . 幕色降臨后,頭更天,南方飄來一絲微風。 |
He was robed in a wonderful dressing gown, and puffing his pipe in gloomy silence . 他穿著光怪陸離的晨衣,悶悶不樂地吸著煙斗。 |
He heaved the heavy box and staggered off , puffing and blowing from the strain . 他扛起那只沉重的箱子,吭哧吭哧地走了。 |
He lit the cigar, puffed at it, looking across the table at brett . 他點燃了雪茄,噗噗地吸著,眼睛望著桌子對面的勃萊特。 |
Revere puffed his cheeks and blew, but his eyes were dangerous . 里維爾鼓起腮幫子,呼出一口氣。他的眼睛里露出兇光。 |
Some days afterwards the earth exhaled only a slight puff of smoke . 又過幾天,地面上只微微冒一點點霧氣。 |
The wind had risen from its uncertain puffs into a steady blow . 風也不是一陣隔一陣的了,而是不停地刮著。 |
His story ended with his pipe's last dying puff . 他的煙斗噴出最后一口有氣無力的煙,他的故事也講完了。 |