publishment n.〔罕用語〕= publication.
n. 〔罕用語〕= publication. “publishtointernet“ 中文翻譯: 轉為因特網文件格式“publishingindustry trading corporation“ 中文翻譯: 出版對外貿易公司“publishtointernetwizard“ 中文翻譯: 轉為因特網文件格式向導“publishingcompany“ 中文翻譯: 出版社“publisic“ 中文翻譯: 獅恒威“publishing work“ 中文翻譯: 出版工作“publius“ 中文翻譯: 部百流“publishing table“ 中文翻譯: 發布表“publius cornelius lentulus“ 中文翻譯: 普布利烏斯・科爾內利烏斯・雷恩圖盧斯・蘇拉“publishing right“ 中文翻譯: 出版權
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The web service observes the standard of j2ee on which a series of more mature agreement of equipment development , transmission and allocation , location and publishment are defined . the web service also dominates several fields such as integration of enterprise system , dynamic electronic business and construction of system of different structures Web服務遵循j2ee規范,在此基礎上定義了比較成熟的組件開發、傳輸調用和定位發布等一系列協議,在企業系統集成、動態電子商務應用、異構系統搭建領域占據了主導地位。 |
According to the request of the notes to financial statements , this article inspects the committee promulgation with our country ministry of finance , and the stock certification , the clue is concerning the financial statement request of annotation establishment and publishment , to our country , the stock market ascends the relevant financial statement annotation of the existing and possible occurrence to publish the problem to carry on the study 二、研究思路和研究方法本文的研究思路是以我國財政部、證監會頒布的關于會計報表附注編制和披露的要求為線索,對我國上市公司會計報表附注信息披露的透明度問題進行探討。通過剖析當前上市公司會計報表附注披露中存在的問題,揭示這些問題產生的原因及其影響,然后找出解決這些問題的對策,提出相關建議。 |
The main earning of chinese newspaper is from the income of publishment , advertisement and diversified economy . and the earning of advertisement is especially the most important capital source for chinese newspapers . in 1997 , it ' s amount to 60 % of the total income . and chinese government hope it will be 70 % till 2010 . because lack of capable people and system limit , the diversified economy of most chinese newpapers is in deficit 中國報業創收收入主要靠發行、廣告和多種經營這三種,尤其是廣告收入是目前中國報業主要財源,至1997年占報社收入的60 ,中國政府希望到2010年,廣告收入能提高到70 ,報社多種經營由于是非本業經濟和缺乏人才,以及體制限制,多數報社的多種經營項目不是達到規模經濟,處于虧損狀況可能高達七成。 |
In the following chapters , the interoperable model of webgis , multi - level b / s architecture , multi - thread for network computing and concurrent access , dcom , intelligent agent , intelligent spatial search engine , information security are discussed in detail . with these key technologies , the system of publishment and analysis of city air quality based on webgis is designed and implemented 借鑒這些關鍵技術,在arcims的基礎上,設計并實現了基于webgis的全國重點城市空氣質量發布系統,將空氣質量狀況與空間數據結合起來,生動直觀的反映了各主要城市的空氣質量狀況,方便了用戶的查詢,為環保事業作出應有的貢獻。 |
The second pionts out that the traffic can lead to the act - obligation . scholars inside makes differet explanations about the meaning of “ death caused by running away ” . this paper argues that actor may be intentional for the death , also may be negligent for it . from the theory of non - act crime and the principle of the applicability among crime and liability and publishment , the meaning of “ death caused by running away ” should be divided into two parts , one belonging to non - act crime , the other belonging to aggrivated crime of traffic . on this base , it re - explain the meaning and nature of “ running away ” in criminal code article 133 provision and explanation 撇開罪刑法定原則,以不作為犯罪的刑法理論并結合罪責刑相適應原則為出發點,來理解“因逃逸致人死亡”的含義,可以把他分解為兩部分,一部分屬于不作為的故意犯罪,一部分屬于交通肇事罪的加重犯。對因逃逸致人重傷的情形應全部歸于不作為傷害罪。在此前提下,本文對刑法第一百三十三條及《解釋》中出現的逃逸行為的性質及刑事責任作了論述。 |
As the reporters engaged in such case , we have explosed every detail on in , such as the search for the materials provided by the insiders , the adventure of making the interview , the confirmation of every information , the urgent completement of the report and the difficult publishment of the article 作為此次采訪報道的記者,我們從當初得到線人的材料,到冒著風險去采訪,一一核實情況,在趕夜把稿子成文后,卻難以發表等等一系列的艱難與不易做了披露。 |
This dissertation are researched and discussed systematically here , and designs and realizes the system of publishment and analysis of city air quality based on webgis 基于此,論文工作對webgis的理論、技術與應用各方面的問題進行了系統的理論研究,并設計實現了基于webgis的全國重點城市空氣質量發布系統。 |
Finally , given the application system of water wirelss publishment query system based on sms technology and describe the development process in detail 最后,給出了基于短消息技術的水利無線發布查詢系統平臺的開發實例,詳細講述了其開發過程。 |
With the publishment of national standard “ safety assessment of buildings “ ( gb 18208 . 2 - 2001 ) , the assessment becomes standardized 近幾年來我國對地震現場建筑物安全鑒定工作給予了充分的重視,尤其國家標準《建筑物安全鑒定》 ( gb18208 |
An analysis of defects shown from publishment of accounting information of our capital market 我國資本市場會計信息披露缺陷分析 |
Historical development and current enlightenment : hong kong ' s publishment 香港圖書出版業的歷史發展與現代啟示 |