
publicist n.1.國際法專家[研究者]。2.政論家,政論學家;政治...


Paris hilton ' s publicist says hilton has been known to have a drink or two , but she was clearly not intoxicated when she got home after being released from jail thursday 巴黎希爾頓的代言人稱希爾頓因愛喝一兩杯而盡人皆知,但是星期二那天從監獄釋放回家后她顯然沒醉。

Allen ' s publicist said her client was shocked to find the u . s . government had banned her from working in the country - - only four weeks ahead of her north american tour 艾倫的公共管理人說她的當事人發現美國政府已經阻止她過左后非常震驚,據她北美巡回演出只有4周。

They will split their time between homes in new york and florida . damon ' s publicist would n ' t discuss an “ access hollywood “ report that damon ' s bride is pregnant 同時,艾倫也沒有就美國nbc電視臺著名娛樂節目走進好萊塢中有關盧恰娜身懷六甲的報道做任何評論。

Paris hilton ' s publicist says hilton has been known to have a drink or two , but she was clearly not intoxicated when she got home after being released from jail thursday 希爾頓的公眾發言人稱,人們知道她愛喝兩杯但是周二當從監獄中被釋放回家時她顯然毫無醉意。

They will split their time between homes in new york and florida . damon s publicist wouldn t discuss an “ access hollywood “ report that damon s bride is pregnant 同時,艾倫也沒有就美國nbc電視臺著名娛樂節目走進好萊塢中有關盧恰娜身懷六甲的報道做任何評論。

Pitt ' s publicist , cindy guagenti , told the associated press on wednesday that jolie is pregnant and that pitt is the father , confirming people magazine ' s earlier report 據美聯社1月11日報道,最新一期的人物雜志曾援引朱莉的話說: “是的,我懷孕了。 ”

“ after three years of marriage and careful thought and consideration we have decided to part ways “ they said in a joint statement released by their publicists 雙方于周三正式宣布了他們分手的消息。在結婚三年之后,經過再三考慮,我們決定正式分手。

“ ben is a self - aware and smart man who has decided that a fuller life awaits him without alcohol , “ said david pollick , his publicist , in a statement 阿福雷克的發言人在聲明中說: “本恩是個自覺而精明的人,他認定一個沒有酒精的完滿人生正在等待著他。 ”

Paris hilton ' s publicist says hilton has been known to have a drink or two , but she was clearly not intoxicated when she got home after being released from jail thursday 帕里斯?希爾頓的發言人稱希爾頓星期四被釋放后喝了一兩杯但是她很清醒沒有喝醉。

The evening ceremony was performed by a scientology minister in front of more than 150 relatives and friends , the couple ' s publicists said 據這對夫婦的新聞發言人稱,當晚典禮在基督教科學派牧師的引導下進行,共有150多位親朋好友出席了晚宴。

Legendary publicist eli wurman al pacino is enlisted by his client , a famous actor ryan o neal , to escort a beautiful starlet tea leoni out of his life 在政界商界和傳媒界打滾三十年的公關紅人胡艾利阿爾柏仙奴飾,識人無數。

We are all deeply saddened and shocked by this accident , ledgers publicist , mara buxbaum , said in a statement tuesday night 萊杰的經紀人馬拉?巴克斯鮑姆在本周二晚發表的一份聲明中說: “我們對萊杰的突然離去感到十分悲痛和震驚。

A slick new york publicist farrell who picks up a ringing receiver in a phone booth is told that if he hangs up , he ll be killed . . 當宣傳顧問史道拿起電話時,他就再不能掛線,因為致電者指明他離開電話亭之時,亦是他死亡之期。

The baby is due next summer , roberts “ publicist , marcy engelman , said in a story posted on the magazine ' s web site 據人物雜志網站消息,茱麗婭的公關代表瑪西英格曼透露她的預產期在明年夏天。

The baby is due next summer , roberts ' publicist , marcy engelman , said in a story posted on the magazine ' s web site 據《人物》雜志網站消息,茱麗婭的公關代表瑪西?英格曼透露她的預產期在明年夏天。

4 aggravated with her increasingly negative image in the media , the singer fired her incompetent publicist 那個歌手在媒體中的負面形象越來越嚴重,因此她炒了那個不稱職的負責媒體宣傳的助手。

Matt damon married girlfriend luciana bozan in a private ceremony friday in new york city , his publicist said 據路透社12月10日報道,現年35歲的達蒙在紐約舉行了一場秘密的小型婚禮。

Calls seeking further comment from publicists meredith o ' sullivan and rob shuter were not immediately returned early thursday 雙方發言人周四早晨沒有回電記者發表更多評論。

Messages left for barker ' s publicist , dvora vener englefield , were not immediately returned 第一對真人秀婚姻告吹的是歌手jessica simpson和nick lachey 。