
public adj.(opp. private)1.公共的,公眾的,...

public act

It is dangerous to incur public wrath . 千夫所指,無病而死。

The public will show her the door in quick time . 觀眾不久就會把她趕出去的。

Those are foisted on an unsuspecting public . 那些被騙售給了不明真相的公眾。

Will became an ardent public man . 威爾成了熱情的社會活動家。

The public section was rarely occupied . 群眾席很少有人光顧。

He has become a target of public criticism . 他成了眾矢之的。

She used to make a speech in public . 她過去習慣于在大庭廣眾之下發表講話。

Public opinion has at last become vocal . 輿論終于喧嚷起來了。

“never mind the public hearing's bullshit. “ “別管公眾聽證會上的胡扯。”

The facts will be passed on to the public . 成果將向公眾公布。

You make a public example of me . 你把我搞成了一個公開的樣板。

Three events brought me into public view . 有三件事使我引起了公眾的注意。

There was a public outcry when the scandal broke . 丑聞傳開后引起了公憤。

She decided to make her views public . 她決定把自己的觀點公開。

I am unaccustomed to public speaking . 我不習慣在公眾面前講話。

I won't air your dirty linen in public . 我不會輕易揭別人的短。

The public gave her a veritable ovation . 觀眾給了她一個真正的哄堂喝彩。

It was a public lounge and a rendezvous . 這地方是公眾逍遙和集合的地方。

I'm candid about that in public . 關于這一點,我在公眾面前是直言不諱的。