
pterygoid adj.1.翅形的。2.翼突的。n.翼骨或翼突。


Inclination of upper and lower teeth long axis was studied with lateral xray film of mandibles . results the main masticatory muscles of miniature pigs include masseter muscle , temptory muscle , lateral pterygoid muscle , medial pterygoid muscle and zygomaticomandibular muscle 結果小型豬主要咀嚼肌包括嚼肌、顳肌、翼內肌、翼外肌及顴弓下頜肌;其中嚼肌方向與基準面夾角為63 . 9度,顳肌為114 . 55度,翼內肌為64 . 4度。

Mandibular elevators include the masseter , temporalis , and medial pterygoid muscles , while the lateral pterygoid protrudes the mandible 下頷包含嚼肌、顳骨肌和內翼肌,而外翼肌則是使下頷突出。