
ptarmigan n.【鳥類】雷鳥(松雞類)。


These are the signs of the coming arctic winter : the color of the tundra changes as the water grasses turn brilliant red . the migratory birds gather in flocks along the coast and gradually drift southward . most of the birds that have spent the brief summer on the tundra now disappear , leaving only the golden eagle , the gyrfalcon , the ptarmigan , and the snowy owl to brave the sunless northern winter 這些都是北極地區冬季即將來臨的征候:隨著水草變成艷紅色,北極苔原的顏色也改變了候鳥沿著海岸成群聚集,并逐漸南移在苔原度過短暫夏天的大部分鳥類現已消失,只剩下金鷹白隼松雞和雪白色的貓頭鷹來迎接這沒有太陽的北極之冬。

The polar bear , the ptarmigan and inuit culture are probably already doomed by the amount of pollution in the atmosphere , a leading scientist said yesterday 日前,世界一位頂尖科學家指出,由于氣候暖化的趨勢,北極熊可能面臨絕境。

It was no uncommon thing now for him to stumble and fall ; and stumbling once , he fell squarely into a ptarmigan nest 現在跌倒對他來說是家常便飯,一次他被絆了一下,正好倒進一個雷雞窩里。

It was a fearful cry , but the fox , leaping away in fright , did not drop the ptarmigan 喊聲雖然可怕,卻沒有令受到驚嚇的狐貍慌不擇路時丟下雷雞。

A black fox came toward him , carrying a ptarmigan in his mouth 又有一只黑毛狐貍朝他走來,嘴里銜著一只雷雞。

But he could not stop , for the mother ptarmigan was running on 但是他不能停下來,那只母雷雞還在朝前跑。

Lobsters boiled alive : do ptake some ptarmigan 請吃點雷鳥241 。