
pseudoscience n.假科學,偽科學。adj.-scientific


Pseudoscience has the following characters : based on an authoritative text rather than observation or empirical investigation ; explain what nonbelievers cannot observe ; they are so vague that people can ' t test them ; rely on ancient myths and legends rather than on physical evidence ; have nonfalsifiable or irrefutable hypothesis , and the like 偽科學有如下特征:基于權威而不是觀察或實際調查;解釋一些認為不信則無的現象;觀點模糊,難以驗證;依據古代神話和傳說而不是事實;有著難以證偽或難以否定的假設前提;等等。

Based on a statistic analysis , the author suggests professors of literature should make research work results accessible and alluring rather than obfuscating them with a vocabulary designed to give an air of pseudoscience 在對大量的教學對象的數據統計和分析的基礎上,作者建議文學教師的研究成果不要晦澀模糊,要明白易懂,引人入勝,要剔除有偽科學傾向的詞藻。

He was blacklisted in the former soviet union and its satellites as the founder of a “ reactionary ” discipline , and mendelian genetics was declared a pseudoscience 由于他是某個反動學說的創始者,因此前蘇聯及附庸國都將他列在黑名單上,孟德爾遺傳學也被打成偽科學。

For those lacking a fundamental comprehension of how science works , the siren song of pseudoscience becomes too alluring to resist , no matter how smart you are 有些人對科學如何運作缺乏真正的理解,無論他們有多聰明,仍很難抗拒偽科學的迷惑。

Sport is rife with pseudoscience , and it is difficult to disentangle the evangelical enthusiasm from research evidence 偽科學在體育領域里普遍存在,要把那些宗教化的狂熱與研究證據區分開,是非常困難的

By whatever name , at remains a pseudoscience . we should ban its practice before it tortures and kills children again 無論冠上什麼名稱, at仍是偽科學,應受到禁止,以免又有兒童因此遭受虐待及殺害。

Pseudoscience : nonscientific theories that are claimed to be scientific by their advocates 偽科學:不是科學的理論被其鼓吹者稱為科學理論。

Rational consideration on the dispute on preservation and abandonment of the word quot; pseudoscience quot 一詞存廢之爭的理性審思

The responsibility of mass media in the struggle between science and pseudoscience 新聞媒介在科學與偽科學斗爭中的責任

These belong to pseudoscience , inaccurate 這些都屬于偽科學,不準確的