
pseudoplastic n.類塑料,代塑料,假塑性體。


The results showed that the soy protein dough was a typical pseudoplastic fluid in the normal processing ranges , and the apparent viscosity decreased with the increase of shear rate and moisture content , and also decreased with the increase of temperature below 120 , and increased with the reduction of temperature above 120 實驗結果表明:大豆蛋白質面團呈現很強的非牛頓性,剪切速率、溫度和含水率對表觀黏度影響顯著;表觀黏度隨剪切速率的增大而減小,隨含水率的增大而減小,溫度低于120時,隨溫度的升高而減小,溫度高于120時,隨溫度的升高而增大。

Coal slurries were found to exhibit a wide spectrum of flow behavior ranging from newtonian at low concentrations to shear - thinning and pseudoplastic with a yield stress at higher concentrations 利用雙峰級配理論,將粗顆粒煤粉加入細顆粒中可降低煤漿體系的黏度。