
psalmody n.【宗教】唱贊美詩;贊美詩集。-ic, -ical a...


When she did come heathcliff came with her , and she insisted that i should take him into the kitchen , as my fellow - servant had gone to a neighbour s to be removed from the sound of our devil s psalmody , as it pleased him to call it 當她真出來時,希刺克厲夫也跟她來了。她堅持要我把他帶到廚房去,因為我那位伙伴約瑟夫,為了躲避他所謂的“魔鬼頌” ,到鄰居家去了。

“ it is refreshing both to the spirits and to the body to indulge in psalmody , in befitting seasons , “ returned the master of song “是的,在適宜的時候,縱情唱唱圣詩,對一個人的身心都是大有好處的。 ”歌唱大師答道。