
prussic adj.【化學】(從)氰化物(得來)的。

prussic acid

Many most attractive and enthusiastic women also commit suicide by stabbing , drowning , drinking prussic acid , aconite , arsenic , opening their veins , refusing food , casting themselves under steamrollers , from the top of nelson s pillar , into the great vat of guinness s brewery , asphyxiating themselves by placing their heads in gas ovens , hanging themselves in stylish garters , leaping from windows of different storeys 有用匕首刺胸口的,有自溺的,服氫氰酸附子或砒霜的,割動脈的,絕食的,縱身投到蒸氣碾路機輪下的,從納爾遜紀念柱頂上跳進吉尼斯啤酒公司那巨大酒桶里的,還有把頭伸到煤氣灶底下氣絕身死,用時髦的襪帶自縊,或從各層樓窗口跳下的。

Mark did too , for he knew that a single drop of pure prussic acid inside the eye would kill old man fellows almost as quick as lightning 馬克也笑了- -因為他明白,只要費羅斯在眼睛里滴上一滴氰化氫,傾刻之間他就會被送入地獄。

Ferro - prussic print 鐵氰藍圖

I should fancy it was prussic acid, as she seems to have died instantaneously . 我估計是氫氰酸,因為她好象是立刻斷氣的。