prussian adj.普魯士(人)的;普魯士式的〔指訓練嚴酷的、軍國主...
adj. 普魯士(人)的;普魯士式的〔指訓練嚴酷的、軍國主義的和妄自尊大的〕。 n. 1.普魯士人。 2.(古)普魯士語。 “old prussian“ 中文翻譯: 古普魯士語〔屬波羅的語族,17世紀時已消亡〕。 “prussian binding“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士滾條布“prussian blue“ 中文翻譯: 【化學】普魯士藍;紺青色。 “prussian carp“ 中文翻譯: 銀鯽“prussian green“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士綠“prussian helmet“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士的頭盔“prussian shawl“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士披巾“prussian velvet“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士緯絨織物“prussian-blue“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士藍“the prussian officer“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士軍官“austro-prussian war“ 中文翻譯: 普奧戰爭“crusian crap; prussian carp“ 中文翻譯: 鯽魚“east prussian hall“ 中文翻譯: 東普魯士大廳“franco-prussian war“ 中文翻譯: 德法戰爭; 年趁普法戰爭; 普法戰爭“insoluble prussian blue“ 中文翻譯: 不溶性普魯士藍“native prussian blue“ 中文翻譯: 自然普魯士藍“prussian blue reaction“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士藍反應“prussian blue staining“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士藍染色“prussian blue test“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士藍試驗“prussian blue tests“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士藍試驗“prussian minister of war“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士戰爭部“silver prussian carp“ 中文翻譯: 銀鯽“soluble prussian blue“ 中文翻譯: 可溶性普魯士藍“the prussian blue trooper“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士藍軍“prussia-austrian war“ 中文翻譯: 年趁普奧戰爭“prussia (disambiguation)“ 中文翻譯: 普士 (消歧)
prussian blue |
I have a letter too about the prussian battle at preussisch - eylau from petenka , he took part in it , its true . if people dont meddle whove no business to meddle , even a german beats bonaparte 我尚且獲得彼堅卡的彼得的小名來函,言及他曾參與普魯士艾勞戰役,誠然與事實相符。 |
Considered one of einstein ' s last great breakthroughs , it was published in the proceedings of the prussian academy of sciences in berlin in january 1925 據認為這是愛因斯坦一生中最后的劃時代思想,由于這一理論過于超前,直到1925年一月份才發表在柏林的德國科學協會上。 |
The prussian alliance , the treachery of austria , the new triumph of bonaparte , the leve and parade and the audience of emperor francis next day , engrossed his attention 他關心的是普魯士聯盟奧國的變節波拿巴的又一次大捷明天的出朝閱兵以及弗朗茨皇帝的接見。 |
We do not cease giving undisguised expression to our way of thinking on the subject , and can only say to the prussian king and others : so much the worse for you 我們在這方面不會不說出自己的真正的想法,我們對普魯士國王及其他國王只能這樣說: “那樣對你們更糟。 |
G nter grass in his novel dog years uses a wide range of myths , ranging from greek myths to christian myths to prussian folk myths and legends 摘要格拉斯在長篇小說《狗年月》中吸納了較為廣泛的神話素材,從古希臘神話到基督教神話,到普魯士的民間神話傳說。 |
It appeared that from some words boris had uttered that evening about the prussian army ellen had suddenly discovered the absolute necessity of seeing him 這天晚上好像海倫忽然從鮑里斯談論普魯士軍隊時說出的某些話語中發現她有見他的必要。 |
A prussian blue reaction is seen in this iron stain of the liver to demonstrate large amounts of hemosiderin that are present in hepatocytes and kupffer cells 肝臟普魯士藍染色呈藍色的含鐵血黃素顆粒大量沉著在肝實質細胞和庫普弗細胞內。 |
Prussian blue reaction is seen in this iron stain of the liver to demonstrate large amounts of hemosiderin that are present in hepatocytes and kupffer cells 肝臟普魯士藍染色呈藍色的含鐵血黃素顆粒大量沉著在肝實質細胞和庫普弗細胞內。 |
The prussian blue iron stain reveals extensive hepatic hemosiderin deposition microscopically in this case of hereditary hemochromatosis ( hh ) 普魯士藍鐵染色顯示,遺傳性血色素沉著癥( hh )患者在鏡下可見廣泛的肝臟含鐵血黃素沉著。 |
He lives in the country . you know that notorious prince bolkonsky , retired under the late emperor , and nicknamed the prussian king 您知道,這個大名鼎鼎的博爾孔斯基公爵早在已故的皇帝在位時就退休了,他的綽號是普魯士國王。 |
I could hear the blackbirds whistling on the edge of the wood , and in the rippert field , behind the sawmill , the prussians going through their drill 我聽見烏鴉在小樹林邊鳴叫,普魯士人正在鋸木廠后面的里貝爾草地上操練。 |
I could hear the blackbirds whistling on the edge of the wood , and in the rippert field , behind the sawmill , the prussians going through their drill 畫眉在樹林邊宛轉地唱歌;鋸木廠后邊草地上,普魯士兵正在操練。 |
She asked him several questions about his expedition , and seemed to be extremely interested in the position of the prussian army 她有幾次問到他旅行中的詳細情形,她似乎非常關心普魯士軍隊的局勢。 |
A member of the prussian landed aristocracy , a class formerly associated with political reaction and militarism 容克普魯士貴族地主中的成員,先前與政治上的極端保守主義和軍國主義聯系在一起的階級。 |
Compared to prussian junkers or the landed nobility in czarist russia , the chinese landlord was a very backward man 同普魯士的容克地主和沙皇俄國的貴族地主比起來,中國地主是非常落后的。 |
The poison center reports that people have been saved with prussian blue even after * 95 days * on a respirator 毒藥中心的報告指出中毒者甚至在使用呼吸器* 95天*后都可以用普魯士蘭解救。 |
The austro - prussian war appears to us to be undoubtedly the result of the crafty acts of bismarck and so on 我們覺得,奧普戰爭無疑是俾斯麥狡獪以及其他諸如此類的事產生的后果。 |
A prussian blue iron stain demonstrates the blue granules of hemosiderin in hepatocytes and kupffer cells 普魯士藍鐵染色顯示肝細胞和枯否細胞中含鐵血黃素的藍色顆粒。 |
Prussian and austria fought over silesia and most of the rest of europe took sides ; 1740 - 1748 普魯士和奧地利與西里西亞和歐洲其他大部分地區的戰爭; 1740年到1748年。 |