prussia n.【歷史】普魯士。
n. 【歷史】普魯士。 “brandenburg-prussia“ 中文翻譯: 勃蘭登堡-普魯士; 普魯士“east prussia“ 中文翻譯: 東普魯士; 普士“history of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士歷史“king of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 賓州蒙哥馬利郡普王市“kingdom of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士王國“prussia (disambiguation)“ 中文翻譯: 普士 (消歧)“therise of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士的崛起/“west prussia“ 中文翻譯: 西普魯士“field marshals of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士將軍“frederick i of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 腓特烈一世“frederick ii of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 弗里德里希二世; 腓特列大帝; 腓特烈大帝; 腓特烈二世 (普魯士)“frederick william i of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 腓特烈威廉一世“frederick william ii of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 腓特烈威廉二世“frederick william iii of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 腓特烈威廉三世“frederick william iv of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 腓特烈威廉四世“friedrich wilhelm of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 腓特烈威廉“georg friedrich, prince of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 格奧爾格・弗里德里希“list of kings of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士國王列表“louis ferdinand, prince of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 路易・斐迪南“prince albrecht of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士親王阿爾布雷希特“prince augustus william of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 奧古斯特・威廉; 古斯特威廉 (普士)“prince friedrich karl of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 普魯士親王腓特烈・卡爾“prince heinrich of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾貝特・威廉・海因里希; 阿爾貝特威廉海因里希 (普魯士)“prince henry of prussia“ 中文翻譯: 亨利 (普士); 亨利親王“prussat“ 中文翻譯: 普魯薩特“prussia-austrian war“ 中文翻譯: 年趁普奧戰爭
prussian |
Mrs riordan , a widow of independent means , had resided in the house of stephen s parents from 1 september 1888 to 29 december 1891 and had also resided during the years 1892 , 1893 and 1894 in the city arms hotel owned by elizabeth o dowd of 54 prussia street where during parts of the years 1893 and 1894 she had been a constant informant of bloom who resided also in the same hotel , being at that time a clerk in the employment of joseph cuffe of 5 smithfield for the superintendence of sales in the adjacent dublin cattle market on the north circular road 一八九二九三和九四年間,她曾住在普魯西亞街五十四號的市徽飯店67 ,是伊麗莎白奧多德開的。一八九三年至一八九四年問,布盧姆也在同一家飯店住過一個時期,那陣子她經常為布盧姆做耳報神。當時布盧姆在史密斯菲爾德五號的約瑟夫卡夫手下當雇員,在附近的北環路都柏林牲畜市場擔任販賣監督。 |
Towards the end of the year 1806 , when all the melancholy details of napoleons destruction of the prussian army at jena and auerstadt , and the surrender of the greater number of the prussian forts , had arrived , when our troops were already entering prussia , and our second war with napoleon was beginning , anna pavlovna was giving one of her 一八六年年后,當我們獲得有關拿破侖在那拿和奧爾施泰特兩地殲滅普魯士軍隊普軍放棄大部分要塞的可悲的詳細情報的時候,當我國部隊已經開進普魯士并且對拿破侖發動第二次戰爭的時候,安娜帕夫洛夫娜在自己家中舉辦了一次晚會。 |
When the review was over , the officers , both of the reinforcements and of kutuzovs army , began to gather together in groups . conversations sprang up about the honours that had been conferred , about the austrians and their uniforms , and their front line , about bonaparte and the bad time in store for him now , especially when essens corps , too , should arrive , and prussia should take our side 檢閱完畢的時候,新近開來的軍官和庫圖佐夫手下的軍官成群結隊地聚攏起來,開始談論各種獎勵,談論奧軍官兵和官兵的軍裝奧軍的戰場談論波拿巴,特別是在埃森軍團行將逼近普魯士加入我方的時候,波拿巴轉眼就要遭殃了。 |
And he had experience of the like brood beasts and of springers , greasy hoggets and wether wools , having been some years before actuary for mr joseph cuffe , a worthy salesmaster that drove his trade for live stock and meadow auctions hard by mr gavin low s yard in prussia street 卡夫乃一可敬之生意人,在普魯西亞街加文洛先生的牧場附近從事畜牧業,在草地上拍賣牲畜。因此,布盧姆對傳種牲畜產前之母牛滿兩歲之肥公豬以及閹羊,均十分熟悉。 |
The king of prussia sends his wife to sue for the good graces of the great man ; the emperor of austria considers it a favour for this man to take the daughter of the kaisers to his bed . the pope , the guardian of the faith of the peoples , uses religion to aid the great mans elevation 普魯士國王派他的妻子向這個偉人阿諛諂媚奧地利皇帝認為,這位大人物把公主請進床幃是莫大的恩寵教皇,各國人民的神圣保護者利用宗教來抬高這位偉人的身價。 |
Just as before , and afterwards in the year 1813 , he used all his powers and faculties to do the best for himself and his army , napoleons activity at this time was no less marvellous than in egypt , in italy , in austria , and in prussia 其實,他像先前像后來,像一九一三年完全一樣,竭盡他全部聰明才智和力量為他自己為他的軍隊謀求最大的利益。拿破侖在這一時期的行動令人驚嘆,并不比他在埃及意大利和普魯士等地有所遜色。 |
Prussia , the leader of the zollverein , utilized the organization to control the middle and small states of germany , push the austria aside and defeat it at last , and then for the first time realized the unification of germany by the small germany road 普魯士是關稅同盟的盟主,它利用該同盟控制了中小邦國,排擠、打敗了奧地利的勢力,以“小德意志道路”實現了德國的第一次民族統一。 |
Moreover , the biggest preoccupation of such places as an emerging prussia , a nervous poland or a mercantile dutch republic was always with their neighbours , any one of which might invade them at almost any time 此外,作品中最讓人入迷的便是蒸蒸日上的普魯士、危機四伏的波蘭和重商主義的荷蘭共和國與其鄰國之間的關系,這些鄰國中任何一國在任何時候都可能對它們進行侵犯。 |
[ abstract ] : 19th century germany renowned education reformer william * hong bao the leader prussia educational institution has carried on the education reform , has formed the one whole set brand - new humanism philosophy of education :十九世紀德國著名的教育改革家威廉*洪堡領導普魯士教育機構進行了教育改革,形成了一整套全新的人文主義教育哲學。 |
: 19th century germany renowned education reformer william * hong bao the leader prussia educational institution has carried on the education reform , has formed the one whole set brand - new humanism philosophy of education :十九世紀德國著名的教育改革家威廉*洪堡領導普魯士教育機構進行了教育改革,形成了一整套全新的人文主義教育哲學。 |
He mentioned that the emperor napoleon had been offended at the demand that his troops should evacuate prussia , especially because that demand had been made public , and was so derogatory to the dignity of france 他提到拿破侖皇帝對從普魯士撤出軍隊的要求感到受了侮辱,特別是這種要求被搞得天下皆知,因此冒犯了法國的尊嚴。 |
All these westphalians and hessians napoleon is leading against us would not have come to fight us in russia , and we should not have gone to war in austria and in prussia without knowing what for 那時,拿破侖所率領的這些威斯特法利亞人和黑森人就不會跟隨他到俄國來了,我們也不會莫名其妙地到奧國和普魯士去打仗了。 |
I only meant he had intended to repeat a joke that he had heard in vienna and had been trying all the evening to get in . i only meant that we are wrong to make war for the king of prussia “ non , ce nest rien , je voulais dire seulement他想把他在維也納聽到的笑話重說一遍,他整個晚上都想把它說出來。 |
Very naturally , speaking of the position of prussia , anna pavlovna asked boris to describe his journey to glogau , and the position in which he had found the prussian army 很自然,安娜帕夫洛夫娜在說到普魯士的局勢時,她請鮑里斯談談他在格洛高的旅行談談他發現普魯士軍隊處于怎樣的狀態。 |
The end of the xix century was the start of the industrialization of the country , the development of the railways but also the start of the bitter wars with prussia and later germany 十九世紀末,法國進入了工業化階段,雖然鐵路得以發展,但是卻開始了和普魯士和后來的德國的痛苦的戰爭。 |
Prussia has declared that bonaparte is invincible , and that all europe can do nothing against him . and i dont believe a single word of what was said by hardenberg or haugwitz 普魯士已經宣布,說波拿巴無敵于天下,整個歐洲都無能同他作對我一點也不相信哈登貝格豪格維茨的鬼話。 |
After her partitions at the hands of austria , prussia and russia at the end of the 18th century , the polish republic disappeared from the map of europe for over one hundred years 但是, 18世紀末,波蘭被奧地利,普魯士德國和沙皇俄國瓜分后從歐洲地圖上消失長達100多年之久。 |
A historical region and former duchy of north - central germany around which the kingdom of prussia developed . the region is now divided between poland and germany 勃蘭登堡歷史上的宗教領地和原公爵領地,位于德國中北部,普魯士王國在其周圍發展起來。該地區現被波蘭和德國分占 |
In the latter period prussia law , the aforesaid dissenting registration was named as advance registration , and two types of advance registrations are stipulated 本文對物權法草案的相關規定進行了分析和評述,以期能夠對我國異議登記制度的完善提供一點建議。 |